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I'm not sure if this is where this goes, but I need some help guys.

I am trying to split a piece of english bridle leather. For some reason the splitter doesn't seem to like it, but will split other stuff. Where can I read about adjustments, see photos of such, and find any info on the Landis 30 splitter?

Thankyou for any help.

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Is the leather real English bridle leather, or is it American english style bridle leather? The reason I ask, is that I find quite often I set the splitter for what I want and then it compresses the leather as it goes through the rollers and then doesn't split it with the American leather. Hope it's something as simple as that, Good Luck,


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I was right Katy. It's the same thing I downloaded earlier today. It'd be more useful if I could actually read the number on the one page.

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I have some of the same problems as Kevin with some latigo and what little bridle leather I have used. On the handcrank I think the roller pressure compression is the problem, along with softer leather wadding up being pushed into the blade. I have avoided this a little by starting some strips through with the crank and then pulling them to finish. I have had Americans and they feed from the back so you can start and then freewheel pull them. I'd think you could maybe try that on the Landis if you can get around to the back. These were designed for sole leather and shine with firmer stuff. If your splitter is working with the other stuff, I'd hate to mess it up backing off the pressure to split some softer leather. I have better luck with the softer stuff with a pull through splitter like a Chase style or Krebs. On the other hand, temper my enthusiasm for splitters, I really like them.

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Bruce isn't a krebs alittle skiver, not a splitter? I have a skiver too and you can't use them to split straight down the middle, only skiv an end off.

I just tryed the splitter on other bridle leather I had and it worked perfectly. Too bad I have a good amount of a hide left that I can't use with this. Oh, it does split less wide things. I was trying to splt a 8 1/2" wide piece. Oh well, will use something else for this project.

Thankyou all!

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You have a bigger version of the Landis than the one I used to have. The Landis I had was a 6" and I didn't know they made the 30 in anything else. I mostly use the Krebs (Randall version) to split. Mine has a scant 8-1/2" wide cutting edge on the blade. The Krebs can be used to skive if you move the lever as you pull the piece. I have tried it a few times, but I like an Osborne 83 for doing long skives. The push on the handles/pull on the piece action is more natural for me. For shorter laps I use a crank skiver or knife.

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Thanks Bruce for clearing that up abit. I got this splitter so I could split, add my doo-dads {studs, crystals, etc.} and glue & sew back together. So it requires me to be able to split easily and completely down the middle. Guess this one hide I have may not be for it. But less wide strips may work, just not what I wanted for this project.

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Noah if possible would you be able to put up a photo of your splitter as I thought the Landis 30's only come in 6 inch as well and I would love to see the bigger version as it's definately a rarity.



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Posted (edited)

I think I should explain, size-wise. This splitter is only 6" wide but even 3-4" doesn't want to go through, only less wide strips. The 8 1/2" was how long the piece was. I opted for using something else. I'm making a leather purse, softish bag. This is the 2nd one I've made in the past couple of weeks. The other one was for a Lady in Pa. I'll have to add the pics to another thread for that.

Edited by Noah4

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