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Stitched sight channel

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Can anyone tell me exactly what a stitched sight channel is? How does one do this?

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A stiched sight channel is basically two narrow strips of leather that are sewn to the inside of a holster, toward the front of the slide/barrel area, that when the holster is folded over to create the pocket for the gun, create a "tunnel" for the front sight to move through when holstering or drawing the gun. They are meant to prevent the front sight from catching on the leather of the holster and either chewing up the leather or wearing the front sight of the gun. I do not have a photo of one to post, sorry. It is much easier to understand when looking at a picture than it is trying to explain it in text.

A "sight channel" can also be molded into the leather, without the need for stitching seperate pieces of leather, on some holster designs. In order to mold a sight channel in on most of my holsters, I use a thin piece of dowel rod that I cut to lenght and tape to the top of the blue gun between the front and rear sights using blue painter's tape. This allows you to mold the holster and bone it tight, without closing the area between the front and rear sight, where the front sight must travel during the draw stroke or when holstering.

Hope my simple explination makes some sense.


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Thank you Tac for the thoughtful response. I should have added - I know what a sight channel is, but didn't know what a "stitched" sight channel is - what the difference was. I couldn't figure out how stitching/pinching the sight channel together would help in any way - but your explanation of actually adding strips of leather explains it all. I actually saw a patent on this (you have to register, for free, to see the images). But assumed there was something else and more simple that people were calling a 'stitched sight channel', because this seems like a pain to incorporate on one-off holsters for the DIY guy...

Thanks again!!


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