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Some Basic Floral Patterns?

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Hi, I would like to learn more about basic floral patterns, this way I can begin practicing some of my own. If anyone has any tips or some pattern examples, that would be great! Floral patterns are very popular, and don't know much about the different types, how to do different flowers, etc. Anything will help, thanks for your time!

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The Tandy website has a few free patterns on it, and here on the forum is a brief primer on floral design by Verlane. For the Tandy site, you may want to take a screen shot and print it out along with the line drawing that prints when you print the pattern. The reason is that while the line drawing is good enough for the basic outline, it doesn't accurately show where to shade, bevel, background, etc.

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I highly recommend "Sheridan Style Carving" by Bob Like wise. It's an excellent book with lots of how to pictures. It is full of information that can be applied to most any floral carving. Hope this helps....


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Good luck. Bob and Twin provided you some awesome references to use. Also, check with your local Tandy or leather guild to see if they teach a basic floral carving class? I know that our guild teaching a monthly class for beginners that is sponsored by our Austin Tandy.

Nice website by the way.

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Thanks everyone, these ideas are good ones, they should help get me going on floral patterns. I appreciate the help!

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