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FInishing the Braids

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Hello I am fairly new to braiding so youll have to work with me a little. I started a key fob its a 4 strand around the eye and leads into a 8 strand, I didnt really like the look of that so i just have two 4 strand braids thought about putting a gaucho weave around the two braids, my questions are I need a decorative stopper knot Ive really been havin alot of trouble with these. Second any complete tutorials on how to make a braided leather key fob. Like I said Iam still learning any I greatly appreciate any advice. Here are a couple of pics of the key fob Iam attempting Thanksleatherforum1.jpgLeatherworkforum.jpgleatherworkforum2.jpg

My email is jreedy21 at live dot com




Edited by Denise

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when you go from two 4 strand braids to 8 strand you have to set up the strings so that it looks like youve been braiding 8 where they meet you have to arrange them. for ending braids i just use a terminal knot to end each braid and then use a ring knot to bind them together right up against the terminal knots then shape the terminals and build a foundation using a turkshead around the two terminal knots. i use a mallet to help shape the end knots to give the th knot a good shape and then cover with a decorative knot. for this i love pineapple knots or another good one is the lonestar knot

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when you go from two 4 strand braids to 8 strand you have to set up the strings so that it looks like youve been braiding 8 where they meet you have to arrange them. for ending braids i just use a terminal knot to end each braid and then use a ring knot to bind them together right up against the terminal knots then shape the terminals and build a foundation using a turkshead around the two terminal knots. i use a mallet to help shape the end knots to give the th knot a good shape and then cover with a decorative knot. for this i love pineapple knots or another good one is the lonestar knot

I need more detail if possible thanks

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if i get a chance tomorrow i will set up something and take some pictures so you can see the steps im talking about. i havent braided in quite a while due to horrible job but i think i have some suede lace that will work great for photos

by the way glad to see someone else in nebraska doing some braiding

Edited by roo4u

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