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Bisonette Edgers

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Hi folks

I'm a novice, making my first belt. (That was mentioned back on the "How Do I Do That" forum). I'd like to get a couple/few edgers. I like the bisonettes (sp?) because I like the idea of being able to both push and pull it.

The Osborne ones I've seen online can be bought with either a straight shank (127.5S) or a bent shank (127.5B).

My questions:

What Size(s) do I need? Eventually I will be making more than just belts, and the leather will be anywhere from 5-6oz to 11-13 oz.

Should I get the straight shank or the bent one? The straight one seems to be the one offered on most leatherworking sites.

Any tricks of the trade to using an edger, besides practicing a lot? Any cautions?


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I like the straight edgers. I like a #2 or three edger. It will just take some time to figure out how much ya like to take off the edges. If ya get a #2 and ya dont like it you can make it bigger by running it up and down a awl shaft with emery paper wrapped around the awl. I reckon ya could get a 1,3,5 if ya have the money.

Best of luck, Mike

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+1 on the straight shank. I've finally bought a full set, but I use the #2 and #3 the most. They are great edgers.

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