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Mike Craw

Copperhead Guitar Strap

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Hey Guys!

This is the copperhead skin I was asking for tips on oiling and preserving. Now it's a guitar strap.






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Great looking strap.........it reminds me of the song...."Copperhead Road"........

Edited by Luke Hatley

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Thanks Luke! Maybe when I give the strap to my buddy, the song will stop?


Edited by Mike Craw

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Hey Mike !! That has some really pretty color in it, that's right nice.


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Thanks Fred!

The only color I can take credit for is the color of the binding split. The color's of the skin are thanks to the snake and the taxidermist who tanned it.


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great work.....but that is no copperhead

Most likey a cornsnake or milk snake


Edited by TN leather

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