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Highlight or "light-antique"

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I like the way antiques darken cuts and tooling edges to highlight these areas. That works fine on medium to light base colors. Does anyone know of product/process to achieve the opposite results on dark. For example with a dark brown or black base apply something that would highlight cuts and tooling edges with a very light color?I'm not necessarily looking for white but, a light accent.



Edited by Regis

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They tell me you can use the new Hi-Liter products at Tandy's that way. Also, long ago, I saw a guy use acrylic paint to get that effect. He used turquoise paint, watered down on black. The tooling came out very well that way. I haven't tried it, but it looks like it wouldn't be hard. If you use acrylics, the color range is wide open. Try it out and let me know if it works for you.


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Tandy has a highlighter called 'gold frost', also another one called 'silver frost'. They can accentuate carving a bit. I've used both, with varying results. The silver I don't care for, but the gold can help- sometimes... They're worth playing with.

I've not used any of the other colors over dark bases, so I can't speak about them.

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I've used the Goldnrod available at Tandy and it's ok. I like the silver myself; I've used it on black with positive results.


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