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Thanks to bob park info on edge finishing able to salvage my first gun belt( for me anyway)...Was wondering what the difference between dye and edge kote are and when do you dye,,,wet leather or dry??

Great site for learning...Been 40 years since i picked up my tools and everything i did back then was precut,,got the yen to design and make from the get go,probably would have quit if hadn't found the site,,


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My opinion, for what it's worth ...

You can dye with wet OR dry leather, though keep in mind that with solvent (spirit) based dyes, leather dyed wet may give you more color than you wanted (the leather NOT dyed will lighten slightly, leaving a "darker" shade). I say spirit 'cause that's all I use.

The difference between edge coat and dye is that dye doesn't suck :)

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My opinion, for what it's worth ...

You can dye with wet OR dry leather, though keep in mind that with solvent (spirit) based dyes, leather dyed wet may give you more color than you wanted (the leather NOT dyed will lighten slightly, leaving a "darker" shade). I say spirit 'cause that's all I use.

The difference between edge coat and dye is that dye doesn't suck :)

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Well i understand the meaning of suck old style and todays meaning, and can only guess you don't like edge coat,,being i have only the 1 belt and holster to judge by, can say that when reworking the edge of the belt,edge coat scraped of

like paint and am considering just dying edge with my plentiful supply of dyes ( 1 bottle of eco flo canyon tan,,lol lol)..BTW the sun popped out here in so. texas and my tree stump ought to be dry enough to varnish and bring in the house, in mean

time i bought a 2-3.00 cutting board and having the solid heavy desk to punch on has made diff of day and nite!! Gracious hombre..

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