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Wait For The Covas To Dry Before You Dye

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Is moisture from my still wet COVA staining my spirit dye?

As I was making up a cpl of samples I noticed something very strange. If the COVA I am using is not allowed to completly dry then when I go to use spirit based dyes on the same leather it will cause a "foggy" stain of the black dye. The fog is only about 1/4 inch around the perimiter of the area where I had used the cova acrylics.

For a cpl of hrs I thought it was bad leather reacting with the spirit based dye. However after a couple of experiments the truth was shown.

I'm only guessing here but I believe that as the dye "off gasses" it will pick up moisture from the cova drying. This in-turn becomes heavier then air and the fumes (now mixed with moisture) will settle on the dyed area. This causes a distinct foggy stain in the still wet black dye.

I will try to get a photo of this wierdness later for your viewing and input.

*Twilight Zone theme music*

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Been there. Do the spirit dye first, then the acrylic.

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Thanks for the tip, do you recomend waiting for the spirit to completly dry before i use the acrylics?

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Thanks for the tip, do you recomend waiting for the spirit to completly dry before i use the acrylics?


This will also get the acryllic a really good "dry" surface to attache itself to. If using spirit dyes, don't forgett to replace the fat in the leather by using neatfoot oil for example (and let this dry another 24h) then seal it with whatever you like to use, some of the sheenes, wax or...

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