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King's X

New Request

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Gotta a request from a purdy young thing to make a traveling journal. God bless her she still writes down her thoughts and not on computer or text. Anyways, she saw some of my stuff on my facebook and wanted to know if I could make a nice leather journal cover. So I asked a few questions to help my non-artistic brain start working.

Loves flower especially Texas flowers

Loves the colors gold, silver, pink and green for money

really likes the natural finish leather with any full dye jobs

Something simple, but not over done! I was assume carving wise and food related.

She loves shopping and buy big A purses. She usually carries 2 or 3 purses with her when I see her at work.....don't ask me why??

She loves her kids and husband in that order!

So, I was thinking about using the floral system that is on my advatar picture, but on the opposite side. I have decided only on one corner or two; opposite sides? Then I thought would it be cool to draw up a simple rose, leaves and a couple of buds and dye them to represent the 'Yellow Rose of Texas' theme? I would dye them, my budding at DFC Studios because I have proven that I cannot paint the side of the house let alone a piece of leather. Danny is the same guy who painted Big Papa Leather's Hippo project!

Then I could filigree and put a gold piece of chrome tan behind it?? I think I will stitch it because lacing will take away from the simplistic beauty of it......unless.........I use natural roo lace and as the twins on Transformers say......'lets blend in." Hmmm

As for the over all pattern, I would like to use an old Day Planner idea with a wrap around flap and a single snap? I believe Hidepounder did one up like this and post a picture recently.....I will have to look and maybe ask for his blessing to use his idea.

On the inside flap, there will be a sewn in window for a small picture of her men in her life? or maybe just the boys? I was considering having Ms. Brenda at Laser Gift Creations, burn an image of her boys laughing or something on inside cover?? There will be room for a pencial or pen. I will be making her wrapped in leather to match the journal.

On the outside back since she is going to be using this journal to document her vacation and work trips away from home, I have a friend to writes music in East Texas. He can write and say poetry on the fly! I might have him write something up for her and have it lasered on the back? That would be way cool.

Anyways, I am still re-thinking everything right now.....not quite sure what the end product will be, but I am sure she will like it alot!

Did I get any ideas flowing in your mind? Send a reply! I am open. She is excited about this journal. I received 5 emails today alone between talking with Spinner and Dustin29. I should have a step by step play posted on my blog and FB. Stay tune!

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It sounds great . You translate her wishes very well , maybe silver as background fits better to the roses?

Maybe it's possible to stich ore lace with the same color as the background ore use pink?

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