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Singer 191D

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Does anyone know about the Singer 191D machine?

Here's my situation. I am a missionary in Africa and have someone I work with who is managing a small leatherworking project that benefits the local community. Up to now this project has been doing everything by hand, but would like to begin machine-sewing some projects to increase their product line, etc. They want to mainly sew upholstery-type leather for purses, small pouches, etc. Their current expectation is to only sew things up to 3/16". Options for getting a machine are VERY limited, and importing one is not currently possible so am looking to buy the best thing I can find locally. The only machine I've been able to find locally that is made to sew light/medium leather is this Singer 191D. . . They must have been purchased/imported a few years ago, because I understand from singer website that the 191D is no longer made (replaced with 1191D), but the one I'm looking at is new.

What I'd like to know?

-What should this machine cost? (this shop is asking $800 with Table, motor, head, and all supplies needed )

-What are this machines' capabilities?

-Thickness of material it will sew?

-Thread sizes? (uses the 135x5,135x7 needles I think)

Thanks MUCH!

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The Singer 191D is a textile sewing machine, with a self-oiling system (sits in an oil pan full of machine oil). It is designed for motor/pulley setups turning it at 4500 rpm maximum. The flat pressor foot can be lifted almost 13 mm, with the knee lever, but only 6 mm with the hand lift lever. The needle system (135x7) is geared for garment sewing thread and has the same specs as the 134R used in Pfaff garment machines.

I passed on one of these machines at a drapery shop and they were only asking for $125.00. It would have been useless for sewing leather or drapes over 1/4" thick, with thread larger than #92. I'm sure the pressor foot can be tricked to lift higher, but runs the risk of hitting the bottom of the needle bar if raised too high. The bobbin is small and the tension parts are too weak for heavy nylon thread (T90/V92 maximum).

Eight hundred is much too high for a Singer 191D. It is probably half a century by now. If you can negotiate the price down and do purchase this machine and intend to sew leather with it, you will need to make the following changes.

  • Get the smallest motor pulley you can find, for the shaft diameter on the motor. A 2"/50mm motor pulley is a good speed reducer.
  • Get a matching smaller 3L v-belt to maintain the same distance on the motor position adjuster screw. Get 1" shorter for each inch smaller pulley size.
  • Alternately, buy a servo motor with built in gear reduction and a 2" pulley (and shorter belt), like the SewPro 500GR, sold by Toledo Industrial Sewing Machines. It can replace a standard clutch motor.
  • Purchase a 3 piece roller foot conversion kit and install it. This allows the machine to feed leather and vinyl without dragging the layers apart, or puckering the top layer. These machines do not feed sticky material properly unless converted to a roller foot system.
  • Purchase leather point needles (134LR, or 135x8) appropriate for the thread size to be used (e.g. #110/18 needle for #69 thread. #125/20 needle for #92 thread).
  • Purchase good quality bonded nylon thread; size 69 (recommended) or 92 (max), in pairs, for each color you want to use.

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Thanks so much for your response, which includes plenty of detail which will help us make a decision on this machine. I especially appreciate you taking the time to give us the bullet points of things we'll need to do if we will be sewing leather regularly with this machine. Thanks again for your time a advice !

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