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Some of you may have already received this in an email. This is just some updates for the Art of the Cowboy Makers contest. We have some exciting news for all makers. The dates for the 2011 contest is June 17-19 which is a Friday - Sunday and will not conflict with the Sheridan Leather show this year.

We have some new sponsors this year that we are very proud to have as sponsors.

Leatherworker.net - Corporate Sponsor!

Barry King Tools - Champion Leather Carver

Leather Machine Co, Inc. - People's Choice Leather Carver

Thank you to Johanna and staff, Barry King and Steve Tayrien! I"m very happy to have these quality people as sponsors.

All entries will be invited to have their entry on special exhibit at the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame from June 20th - September 9th 2011. This was a very successful exhibit last year. We are doing more advertising and we are getting a lot of interest from new makers and will be sending this email to new makers too. So remember we have a limit of 25 per category on a first come first serve basis. I'm already receiving entries from past entrants and new makers. The categories are the same as last year plus we added a Leather Carving category.So this year we will have Bits, Boots, Braiding, Engraving, Leather Carving, Saddles and Spurs. In addition to the above we are adding an open youth category. This will be for makers 18 years and younger. These young people are our future makers and need the exposure and encouragement too. They will be allowed to make any item from the above seven categories. We are still working out the details on this category and there will be a separate application on the website soon. All the rules, application and pictures of last years contest are on our website: www.artofthecowboymakers.com You may notice we have added a language translator that will translate to 10 different languages. We are getting interest from various countries. Also Sammi Snow from the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame would like to know if anyone is interested in doing demonstrations for the visitors at the Hall of Fame. She would like to have demonstrations at least once a month starting in January. They will do advertising for all these demonstrations and would be a good way for more exposure for you and your work.If your interested please contact her directly. Sammi Snow ssnow@prorodeo.com If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email or call me at:602-482-9758

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The youth (18 and under) rules and application are up on our website now! www.artofthecowboymakers.com

  • 2 months later...
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Just a couple updates : Bits moved to engraving category

: New hat category

: Saddle stands for rent

Unfortunately, it seems there is not much interest in the Bit category. We have had a hard time getting entries in this category since the beginning. As of now we have 0 entries in this category. We will no longer have a Bit category, so if you would like to make a Bit you can enter it in the Engraving category.

We have added a new category: HATS!

After talking to several hat makers in Las Vegas last week at Cowboy Christmas, all of the ones I talked to were very interested in the contest. I sent out an email to about 20 other hat makers when I got home and also received a very positive response. So here's a chance for Hat Makers to get the exposure at Loveland and at the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame. This will be added to the application soon or you can just write it in.

We will also have saddle stands for rent for $20.00 and will be for the duration of the contest and the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame exhibit.

Since there might be saddles coming from other countries and some might have to be mailed this is one way to have a stand without shipping it. There will be a place for this on the application soon and will need to be paid with the deposit so we know how many we will need.

So the 2011 categories are: Boots




Leather Carving



Youth (18 and under, any category)

Still looking for Braiding Champion, Braiding "People's Choice" and youth sponsors if anyone is interested.

If you have any questions PLEASE ask! Email or call 602-482-9758


  • 3 months later...
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We have ammended one of the rules in the youth category.

Adult supervision only - no help with entry. EXCEPTION: In issues of safety, the supervising adult may assist youth with the project, i.e. heavy machinery, torches, clickers, stitchers, splitters....

We want the youth to do the work but, we don't want any of them to get hurt in any way. We realized that some of the younger ones may not have the skills to use these machines safely.

As always if you have any questions or comments PLEASE ask!

Casey Jordan


  • 3 weeks later...
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Just a quick note as a reminder that the entry deadline is coming up in 1 month, May 15, 2011.So far we have 3 Countries entered and are expecting at least two more. I have talked to a lot of makers who said they will be entering, but still waiting on applications. Also all entries will be invited to the ProRodeo Hall of Fame exhibit from June 20 - September 9, 2011. This is real good exposure for all makers whether they win anything or not. Categories: Boots, Braiding, Engraving, Hats, Leather Carving, Saddles, Spurs & Youth Rules and Application can be downloaded off our website: www.artofthecowboymakers.com You may also pay via Paypal on the website and will not have to send in an application. This makes it real easy to enter. Any questions PLEASE ASK!602-482-9758

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We now have 4 countries entered!!

Including a saddle maker from Czech Republic and he is coming to the show in Loveland, Colorado.

I'm really looking forward to meeting him and seeing his work in person.

I know for a fact that there are a lot of great makers from Canada but, we have no entries from Canada yet.

I will not start naming names because it will take too long and I will probably leave someone out.

All countries are welcome!!

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We now have 4 countries entered!!

Including a saddle maker from Czech Republic and he is coming to the show in Loveland, Colorado.

I'm really looking forward to meeting him and seeing his work in person.

I know for a fact that there are a lot of great makers from Canada but, we have no entries from Canada yet.

I will not start naming names because it will take too long and I will probably leave someone out.

All countries are welcome!!

Just by sheer coincidence we have another saddle maker entered fromthe Czech Republic. And what's more amazing he will be at the show in Loveland, Colorado too!

Two saddle makers from the Czech Republic meeting for the first time in Loveland, Colorado!

They have heard of each other but have not met each other yet. They are both members of this forum.

I'm really looking forward to meeting both of them.

Now that's cool!!

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Posted (edited)

The entry deadline is coming up in 15 days on May 15,2011. But you still have a month and a half to finish your entries.

So far we have just over $7900.00 in cash and prizes. This amount will raise with each entry received. We have 4 countries entered so far. Argentina, Australia, Chech Republic and U.S.

I know a lot of you wait until the last minute to enter, like the last two years. I have talked to a lot of makers who said they were getting in but have not received their entries yet.

This is what we have so far:

Boots - 2

Braiding - 8

Engraving - 5

Hats - 3

Leather Carving - 5

Saddles - 6

Spurs - 3

Youth - 1

As you can see we still have plenty of room for more in each category.

The buckles and ribbons have been ordered and will be given away with cash awards.

If you have any questions please ask.


Casey Jordan

Edited by Casey Jordan
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Posted (edited)

Just a quick up-date on Leather Categories:

Still only 2 boots entered, does not look good for this category for next year so far! Sure would hate to not have this category since it is very popular with the public.

The braiders are stepping up to the challenge but we still have only 8.

Starting to get some Leather Carvers entering.

If this (or any category) fills up with 25 entries the winner will pocket over $900.00 CASH!!!! Not to mention the Trophy Buckle!

I know there are more saddle makers out there. It doesn't matter when you made it or if it has been in another show before ours. It can be for sale or already sold, does not matter, the main purpose of the contest is exposure for the contemporary makers.

Also all entries will be invited to the special exhibit at the ProRodeo Hall of Fame in Colorado Springs, Colorado from

June 20 - September 9, 2011.

Any Youth 18 and under want entered? Entry fee for Youth is $25.00 and they can make just about anything from leather.

Any questions or comments, Please ask!

Edited by Casey Jordan
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Just another quick reminder.

The entry deadline is less than a week away!

I know everyone waits until the last minute to enter, but I'm getting pretty nervous.

We have a few categories (Boots, Hats, Spurs and Youth) that may not have enough interest this year to have the category next year.

Please realize that the sponsors pay a bunch of money to sponsor these categories. If there's not many entries they won't sponsor the category next year.

And quite frankly we can't justify paying all the money for buckles and ribbons for 4 or 5 entries. Not much of a contest without interest from the makers.

This is your chance to get about 36,000 people to see your work and pick up your business cards for $100.00 whether you win, lose or draw.

Hard to get advertising anywhere else for that.

The public is looking forward to seeing the items this year, I just don't want them to be disappointed.

Any questions or comments, Please let me know.



  • Members

Just another quick reminder.

The entry deadline is less than a week away!

I know everyone waits until the last minute to enter, but I'm getting pretty nervous.

We have a few categories (Boots, Hats, Spurs and Youth) that may not have enough interest this year to have the category next year.

Please realize that the sponsors pay a bunch of money to sponsor these categories. If there's not many entries they won't sponsor the category next year.

And quite frankly we can't justify paying all the money for buckles and ribbons for 4 or 5 entries. Not much of a contest without interest from the makers.

This is your chance to get about 36,000 people to see your work and pick up your business cards for $100.00 whether you win, lose or draw.

Hard to get advertising anywhere else for that.

hello casey where are we at on the leather carving . thanks john

The public is looking forward to seeing the items this year, I just don't want them to be disappointed.

Any questions or comments, Please let me know.



hello casey how many do we have in the leather carving hopefully a lot thanks john

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The Leather Carving is going to be a great category!

I have 10 paid entries and 2 more coming that I know of. The prize money goes up with each entry.

There's a lot of talent on this forum, would love to receive more entries from members here.

We could use more Braiders, Boot Makers, Leather Carvers, Saddle Makers and Youth.

Also my hats off to our Sponsors of this category. I made 2 phone calls to get 2 Sponsors for this category, and they both said yes even before they knew how much the sponsorship was.

Barry King Tools is our "Champion Leather Carver" Sponsor

Leather Machine Co, Inc. is our "People's Choice" Sponsor

Also leatherworker.net is one of our Corporate Sponsors

A BIG THANK YOU to Barry, Steve, leatherworker.net, Johanna & Staff.

These fine people are responsable for making this category possable!

Most questions can be answered on our website: www.artofthecowboymakers.com

Any questions or comments welcome!


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4 days left to enter!

Applications must be postmarked by May 16, 2011, since May 15 is on Sunday.

You need not be present to enter and you may enter online through Paypal. Does not matter when you made it or if it has already been in another show before.

New update on PAID Entries:

Boots - 2 Seriously, we may have to drop this category next year unless we can get more interest this year.

Braiding - 8 Should be a good category! Hoping for more entries.

Hats - 4 First year for Hats, sure would like to get more than this.

Engraving - 10 Real good category

Leather Carving - 10 Sure would love to fill this category, there's enough talent here to do it!!!!!!!

Saddles - 8 Sure would love to have more saddles, makes it interesting!!

Spurs - 4 Does not look good for this category either.

Youth - 2 I thought there would be more interest in youth, it's only $25.00 to enter youth.

All rules and applications are on our website: www.artofthecowboymakers.com

Any questions or comments welcome!


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There are only 3 days left to get entered. Your application needs to be postmarked by May 16, 2011. The deadline is May 15 but that's Sunday so you have an extra day.

Right now there is over $9000.00 in Cash and prizes!!!

This will go up with each entry received!

If you will be attending and would like to set up please get all the information here:

Here's an updates on paid entries so far. We would love to have more entries in each category, the more entries the more prize money!!!!! The only way to lose is not to enter.

Boots - 2 It was our decision to put this category in the contest, now it is the Boot Makers decision if this category will be in next year.

We had to cancel the Bit category due to lack of entries, we hope it doesn't happen with this category too.

Braiding - 8 This was a very popular category last year. It's looking good for this year too.

I know there are good braiders who should be proud of their work!!

Engraving - 10 Expecting some very nice entries in this Category. This one should be good, never know what the entry will be!

Hats - 5 This is our first year for Hats and we would love to have several more entered to make it a popular category. We had a special rack made for this display, turned out nice!

Leather Carving - 12 This should be very popular with the public. Remember the ones who enter this year will get to decide what next years project will be. Received 2 more in the mail today. We are half way to filling this category. Can you do it??? Any category that fills up will pay the winner over $900.00 cash along with the Trophy Buckle and ribbon.

Saddles - 8 We have 2 makers coming all the way from the Chech Republic to enter their saddles. They know of each other but have never met. They will meet for the first time in Loveland, Colorado. Still have room for saddle makers who want to be involved.

Spurs - 5 This is a crowd favorite and yet no interest from the makers?!!?! I know there are more talented Spur Makers than 5.

Youth - 2 This is our first year for youth and the entry fee is only $25.00. The youth can make just about anything they want. We put in youth because we want to encourage our youth to keep our crafts going.

If you have any questions or comments, Please let me know!



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Leather Carving is the biggest category so far with 13 paid entries!

Braiding - 9

Saddles - 10

Boots -3

You can still get involved by mail or enter online if it is easier for you. www.artofthecowboymakers.com

Questions or comments welcome!

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Would anyone be interested in voting for your favorite in this contest, as it is happening?

My thought is to have a poll where you can vote for your favorite starting June 17, the first day of the contest and running through Sunday June 19 the last day of the contest. There are quite a few members here entered who can't attend in person.

We have the awards handed out on Sunday afternoon. Then we can see if you picked the same winner.

You will have a slight disadvantage since you will be only looking at a picture and not the actual item.

Just trying to see if I can download a picture from my laptop.

One of the Trophy Buckles from last year.

post-7801-028340800 1305560246_thumb.jpg

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We will reach over $10,000.00 cash and prizes

  • Members

Would anyone be interested in voting for your favorite in this contest, as it is happening?

My thought is to have a poll where you can vote for your favorite starting June 17, the first day of the contest and running through Sunday June 19 the last day of the contest. There are quite a few members here entered who can't attend in person.

We have the awards handed out on Sunday afternoon. Then we can see if you picked the same winner.

You will have a slight disadvantage since you will be only looking at a picture and not the actual item.

Just trying to see if I can download a picture from my laptop.

One of the Trophy Buckles from last year.

post-7801-028340800 1305560246_thumb.jpg

gasey i think that would be a great idea especially since i have a dog in this hunt, plus you will get a chance to view everbody's work so i would say YES i would be interested in that just my opion john

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I think it would be fun to see if everyone that can't be there, can pick the winners. Also they can see all the entries.

I guarantee you will be very IMPRESSED!

We have 5 countries entered! Argentina, Australia, Chech Republic, England and the United States.


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