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Adler 204-370

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I have a adler 204-370 flat bed for sale, it has double harness toe pressor feet, as well as a left toe. It has the drop down material guide, as well as one that attaches to the bed. it has a speed reducer and a clutch motor. I barley use this machine, I am going to buy a new Campbell once I sell this machine. Stitch quality is amazing on this bad boy! Sews 3/4". Made in W. Germany. Perfect for sewing saddle pads or other flat work. $2,750



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I still have this machine that I don't use! it has a drop down material guide, double toe harness foot with center groover foot, it also has a left toe foot, and the blanket feet. Its all set up ready to sew! Used it this week! Im willing to take offers and trades!


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How old is this machine and what is your best price?

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This machine has been traded......to me! I drove from Long Island to NH today and swapped AwHarness my Luberto's #9 for the Adler. I wanted a powered walking foot and he was looking for the portability of the #9. Great guy to deal with. Worth the 10 hrs in the truck and my subsequently herniated discs.


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