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In Case Some Of You Didn't Get This...

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I removed the link.

Intellectual property belonging to Tandy Leather Factory may not be posted on this site without permission from the bosses in Ft. Worth. They frown on employees hosting TLF material on personal sites, also, FYI.


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Ya I went into my Tandy for the sale they said the sale was for Wholesale card holders NOT business card holders. It was a reall waste of my time and petrol!!

I've removed the link in this post for the same reason. Denise

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I removed the link.

Intellectual property belonging to Tandy Leather Factory may not be posted on this site without permission from the bosses in Ft. Worth. They frown on employees hosting TLF material on personal sites, also, FYI.


Sorry! Had no idea that a coupon would be "intellectual property" (that's actually pretty ######ing ridiculous and kinda pushes my buttons a little), thought it might help someone. I'm also definitely not a TLF employee...

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Hivemind- I know you meant no harm, but this kind of thing has come up before and TLF has made their position pretty clear. I know they have insisted employees take web materials down- I have not heard of a customer being prosecuted, but nothing would surprise me these days.


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