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Swivel knife blades and there uses

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Hi there every one I have a question for you about swivel knives. What are all the swivel blades used for like the angled blade the straight blade can one of you guys give me the 411 on swivel blades.

Thanks a lot don for the saddle help that was great

Edited by jbird

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Angled vs. Straight - personal preference. Advantage to a Straight blade is that you do not have to strop it as often as you can turn the blade around and use the other side before stropping. Unless your like me and I do not tend to lean the knife far enough to not catch the edge of the blade when I am making turns so an angled blade works well for me.

then there is blades called filigree and or detail blades which are much thinner than normal blades. these are used for things like Sheridan carving where the lines are very close together (or at least I use it for this) carving small letters or in places a larger blade will not work.

blades come in several different lengths and widths. Also some knife makers blades only fit in their knives so sure to make sure if you are just buying a blade that it will fit the knife you are using.

Hopefully this will help you out some till someone with a better way of explaining things will post

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OK! That's great some of those things are hard to get answers on thanks Anne.

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