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Hi theres folks, 

i have the opportunity to get some home tanned sheep (exactly: German heath) skin, which is beautiful soft and thin, so i thought about use it for linings. But there is one problem: It stinks of sheep. It has that smell, that is only a little bit too much to be good. 

So how can i get rid of that smell? Using Conditioners? If yes, which one?

Hope you can help me.

GReetings and merry xmas


  • Contributing Member

Hi Jonathan,

Personally, I'd start with a gentle saddle soap and warm water scrub, followed by an application of Skidmore's Restoration Cream. The saddle soap will help to clean off any stinky residue from the tanning process and the Skidmore's smells good enough to eat! LOL

The only risk would be that the saddle soap could strip some oil from the hide, but you would be replacing any lost oil with Skidmore's.

I'm sure other people will have some good ideas.

Best wishes,


  • Members

Hi Ray, 

i allready heared some prejudices about english food, but if i have to eat leather conditioner when i visit Ludlow next summer, i have to think about it once more  :evillaugh:

Seriously: Thank you, for your fast reply. I will give it a try, when i can get skidmores somewhere in germany (otherwise i will get some in summer, the leather is not able to run away anymore :D ) 



  • Contributing Member

Its okay, Jonathan, we only like Skidmore's as a condiment - like you might use mustard on a Bratwurst (my favourite German food!) - you won't have to eat a whole pot full with a spoon! LOL

BTW: Your summer workload just went up 10%... LOL

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