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Granit Slab

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Hi all

I am about to upgrade to using a granit slab for tooling etc can someone tell me if the surface is normaly polished or just gound flat or

does it make no difference, reason being is I won't be buying it from a tool supplier. I have a friend who is a memorial mason and it will not cost me anything

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You definitely want to get a piece of granite that is polished. If it is just ground flat, any of the tooling impressions in the granite will transfer to the leather as you are working it.

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As long as it is flat and smooth, it will be fine. They do not have to be highly polished. I used the bottom side of a broken monument for years with no problem. The top was polished but had some lettering.

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I tool on a mispelled granite headstone that I picked up at the headstone shop for forty bucks, one side was polished and engraved ( wrong ) and the other was left a flat surface but far from the mirror finish of their best work, I took it anyway and found out I'd rather it not be the mirror finish, projects especially small ones stay put while you're tooling much better than on the glassy finish. It's flat but a little rough, having had the smoother stone before this one I like this one much better, no more slipping, sliding, or sandbagging trying to keep the leather where you want it.

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Thanks for the replies gives me something to go on when I see my mate

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