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800 Numbers

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I've had an 800 number for years, but I'm wondering if it's still a necessary part of business. It seems like so many people now have unlimited long distance plans, maybe it just isn't as necessary as it used to be. I could probably save a couple hundred dollars a year, but I don't want to allienate customers either. Plus my number is very close to the number for a medical evacuation helicopter service and I think I probably get as many calls for them as I do for myself. Has anyone else made the decision to get rid of their number? Chris

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Never had an 800 number for myself, but from the other perspective, i can tell you it doesn't even slow me down if a company doesn't have an 800 number. I am part of a growing group of people who don't even have a home phone line. I moved to Kansas three years ago, and still have an Arizona phone number. Because so many people use cell phones now as thier primary phone line, it hasn't impacted me or mu bussiness at all. If most of your customers use cell phones, I don't think it would be a huge inconvience if you don't have an 800 number anymore. Just my 2 cents.

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I have to agree. Land lines are fast becoming history and more and more are carring cell phones. 5 years ago I would have said the oposite, now I think it is no big deal.


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Sense you already have a 800 number i'm guessing that is the number your customers expect to call. If you do change it to a cell phone it could be some time before your customers catch up with the new number.

As far as everbody or most everbody has a cell phone i wouldn't bank on that, just their are a world of folks still on dial up internet. My guess is theirs a world of folks that either don't have a cell phone or a prepaid one like me. Thing is i can talk all day for a 2.00 a day charge, but do i want to spend 2.00 to call you and it's the only call i make that day ? If their like me they have a cell phone prepaid or other wise is for one reason only and that's in case they have a emergency and the rest of the time it's turned off.

Another bad thing about a cell phone is i giving your credit card number on one, if it bleeds over on to some body else's phone and they do just like a cordless phone that person can get your CC number. Bottom line is changeing to a cell phone right for your business or not only you know that. Plus i'm sure you can take the 800 number charges off of your taxes if you don't already, but check with your tax people to make sure.

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Thanks for the input. Actually I'm also one of those folks that just has a prepaid cell for emergencies, too. My business has always had 2 numbers, my regular local landline and my 800 number which rings on the landline. And yes it is considered a business expense. What got me thinking though, is that I just changed my phone service provider and now have unlimited long distance on my landline, and got to realizing probably alot of other folks do, too, even on landlines. i am alittle bit behind the curve on some things. Kind of along the same lines I had a print catalog for many years but after many customers wanting to know if I had a website, I took the plunge and got one. A print catalog can sure be expensive if you do it right and so I'm just relying on the website, but of course now I get guys calling saying they don't have a computer and why don't I have something for them to look at. I guess you can't make everybody happy. Chris

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I can only speak for me, but I call a lot of places on their 800 lines. If they don't have one they would have to be the only place that I could possibly get what I need. I am on a co-op with my phone and I get a good return on my capital gains each year. I am expecting about $900 this spring, for 2003. I do have a certain amount of time that is free long distance each month, usually I/we use that for her to call her mom and sister. I too use the pre-paid go phone and mostly use it for emergencies. I guess if the 800 no. is abusiness expence and it helps any on taxes it would be worth it to keep it. Just my $.02 worth. Billy P

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It's going to take a while for business and customers to transition from 800 numbers to cell numbers, print catalogs to website. I guess it depends if it's worth the cost to keep it.

I'm all websites and cell phones, I don't hesitate when it comes to calling 800 numbers or not, since I'm getting charged for minutes anyway. I don't keep catalogs at all, I even do what I can to stay off mailing lists just so I don't get more junk mail. I almost always look on the websites for the latest deals and prices, and since I live on odd hours, it's easier to just order online than call.

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It's going to take a while for business and customers to transition from 800 numbers to cell numbers, print catalogs to website. I guess it depends if it's worth the cost to keep it.

I'm all websites and cell phones, I don't hesitate when it comes to calling 800 numbers or not, since I'm getting charged for minutes anyway. I don't keep catalogs at all, I even do what I can to stay off mailing lists just so I don't get more junk mail. I almost always look on the websites for the latest deals and prices, and since I live on odd hours, it's easier to just order online than call.

Hey there Bad, you would e surprised at what some of the old free leather related catalogs can sell for now adays. Billy P

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