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My New (And Hopefully) Improved Website

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Dear all,

I did a complete redesign of my website and would like top hear your opinions !

I appreciate comments of all kind.



P.S: Here´s the link adamant-leather.de

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Since I am in the middle of redoing our website, I know how much work it is!! The site looks really nice, easy to get around and nothing glaring to hurt my eyes. I found when I opened the page to the cue cases just a blank page. I eventually figured out I needed to click on the sub-navigation bar to get to see the pictures. Maybe just putting a statement on that page to that effect would help. What appears to be a blank page kind of throws me and I might easily have clicked back rather than look farther. A litle thing is that the emoticon at the end of your second blog post shows up as a red box.

Are you aiming primarily at the German market or hoping to g get orders from England and North America? I realize that English is not your primary language and I am amazed at how many Europeans speak multiple languages so well. But the English, especially on your home page, is awkward in places, and that may affect how some people react to your site. If you have a native English speaking friend who would be willing to help you re-word it more naturally, I know some people would respond better to it. Also, if you are aiming at a US market, not just a British one, you may want to put a US flag up in the corner. It can click through to the same place as the UK flag, but people tend to go for their own country's flag, and some people in the US may not even know what the British flag looks like! Just some ideas.

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Hi Denise,

thank you very much for your opinions. I will do some reworking on the homepage.

Primarily I am aiming to German and other European people. But I would not complain when someone from overseas has interest in my work.

I had chosen the GB-Flag because I have some family roots there. Sadly I haven´t grown up bilingual. If so, then I wouldn´t have such kind of problems right now.

Kind regards,


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Kids who grow up bi or multi lingual have an advantage I don't know if they ever appreciate. Those of us who have to learn second languages later in life find it so much more difficult. And for those of us who live in cultures that are basically uni-lingual, we often don't see the need to learn other languages the way those of you who are surrounded by them do. I am familiar with your name and have obviously read your posts before but didn't realize until I checked your website that you were not from North America. This must mean your English is pretty good!!

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Hey Denise,

thanks for the compliment ! Normally writing text is not such a big problem for me. The english part of the homepage was written really quickly. I think I have to overwork some of the parts.

Another question, do you see directly the english version of the website ?!? Normally a non german browser should be automatically redirected to the english version ?!?



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Yes, it goes to the English website directly when I click, and all the pages stay in English as I click around.

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