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Holster For An Hk W/ Tac Light...

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I have a friend who works for the local DSF unit. He asked me if I could make him a leather holster that could accomodate his H&K USP along with a TLR-1 tac light that is attached to the rail.

I've never done anything like this, but I told him I could sure give it a try.

He is wanting an OWB style holster with an FBI forward cant.

I'm curious to see if any of you have experience or words of wisdom for something like this?

The obvious issue is the bulky light that will be in front of the trigger guard. I won't be able to do much, if any wet molding around the trigger area which may cause retention issues... I'm thinking a thumb break may be necessary...

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Thanks :)

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I have not attempted one yet, but I have a request in for an OWB pancake holster for a Glock 35 with a tac light. I am about to start on it and the best idea I can come up with is to build it like any other pancake holster, but when wet molding I am not going to mold around the trigger gaurd at all. I think I'm going to try to get most of my retention from the ejection port area, and also try to mold around the light. I usually put a thumb break on all of my pancake holsters, unless the customer doesn't want one. Hopefully the thumb break combined with what little molding I can achieve will give me a good, snug fit. I'll post pictures as I make progress. Good luck with yours!

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I was going to, but when I sketched it up, it just looked like a purse, so I tossed it in the trash. (the design, not the gun)

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