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Hi From Georgia

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I've made a couple of posts, but figured "what the heck" and decided I should post a quick hello.

I'm in Albany, GA and I'm just starting out. I've made a small bag that I'll attach a picture of. I was stoked after finishing it so I quickly got to pondering what all else I can get into make :thumbsup:

I'm looking at learning how to make holsters along with bags and sheaths for buckskinning.

So...until then ;)

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Welcome to the Forum. Since you have already found your way around, no need to explain. Glad you decided to introduce yourself. Do you plan to do leather craft as a Hobby or plan to go into it as a full time business or just not sure yet? What got you interested?


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Welcome to the Forum. Since you have already found your way around, no need to explain. Glad you decided to introduce yourself. Do you plan to do leather craft as a Hobby or plan to go into it as a full time business or just not sure yet? What got you interested?


For right now, I'm looking at it as a hobby. However, I won't rule out it being a full time occupation since I've always dreamed of working for myself. I've spent the last couple of years writing as a potential means for that (I'm a columnist who's been trying to get syndicated), but leather may be a means towards that end. I'll still write, because I enjoy it too, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying both :)

As for what got me interested, it was necessity mostly. I needed stuff for buckskinning and I couldn't find anything that really felt right to me. I wanted stuff that didn't feel like it came out of a factory. There were people who were definitely doing what I liked, folks like Chuck Burrows who's a member here, but their costs were out of my range. That left the alternatives of either making do with what was available, or making it myself. I'd never be happy with what was available at prices I could afford, so that left little old me to start making.

I just never expected to actually enjoy making it so much.

For the record, back in my SCA days (Society for Creative Anachronisms), I worked with leather just a bit, but mostly is was in making straps or cutting out pieces with no real "work" involved. I guess I missed out back then :)

[attached is the picture that I meant to attach in the first post. I've since added just a bit of bead work to this piece, but I haven't gotten any pictures of it just yet. It's crude, but that was kind of by design]

post-19597-035890700 1297611169_thumb.jp

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I've made a couple of posts, but figured "what the heck" and decided I should post a quick hello.

I'm in Albany, GA and I'm just starting out. I've made a small bag that I'll attach a picture of. I was stoked after finishing it so I quickly got to pondering what all else I can get into make :thumbsup:

I'm looking at learning how to make holsters along with bags and sheaths for buckskinning.

So...until then ;)

Welcome to the wonderful world of leather craft and to Georgia.I live in Griffin,Ga.Find I can be of any help you can contact me at :cowhide101@comcast.net

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I sent you a message about holsters.


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I sent you a message about holsters.


Cool! :lol:

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