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Nick Clarke

Hello From Australia

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G-day to all you wonderful Leather artisan's out there

Well it has been a little while coming but here goes

HI, my name is Nick and I have a Leather problem. I have been using and abusing Leather for about 30 years and now think it is time I take control of my Leather problem.

It all started quite innocently when I was about 10 years old while staying with my Grandparents for School vacation.

At the time my uncle was on leave from the army and he also stayed with my Grandparents. And so I was to find out that he had a hobby (or so he called it), he would take a piece of Leather and pound on it with funny shaped metal implements and make lovely patterns on the Leather.

Well that was it (Monkey see Monkey do), I must have had addictive personality written large all over my face because he decided to let me have a go at it, and since that day I haven't stopped.

Over the next 6 years my addiction grew and started to become an all consuming problem.

When I was 16 I started my career at sea, it is then my addiction moved up a gear and went from relatively innocent beginnings to full blown gluttony.

It just so happened that one of the fellow seamen that I was working with was also afflicted with a Leather problem but his was in the advanced stages and was hard core.

It turns out that he at some point in his life was actually using and abusing leather on a professional level.

He had worked for several Saddle manufacturer's hear in Australia one in particular was Sidney Hill he had learnt how to make saddles, tack and cases for a living.

Well he just happened to live about 5 kilometres away from my house and so when I was on my leave I started to learn as much as He was willing to teach me.

Since those day's I have managed to kick the addiction only to be dragged back in to the vicious Circle time and time again.

So it is with this reflection on the past that I look to the future and realise that I am an addict and it is better to learn to live with the addiction than to fight it.

It is my belief that with the help and support of the lovely people of this forum that I will learn to lives with my addiction.

Yours in Friendship, Support and mutually beneficial learning


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Welcome nick....you certainly have a way with words!!!!! I found your introduction very entertaining. Welcome to the forums...its where us other addicts hang out. So now you will have another addiction...checking the forum everyday!



Geelong Victoria

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I just noticed you are in brisbane.....check out the leather conference happening in July in brisbane...there are a few of us from the forums attending... http://www.dimensionsinleather.com/

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Welcome to the forum

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