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Quality Stich Groovers That Can Be Used Left Handed

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I really need a stitch groover that can be used left handed, I've got the free hand one and the usual tandy one but I'm just not happy with them and I've ruined more leather than I care to think of at moment. I would prefer one with a guide,so far I've looked at the Versa Groover which gets good reviews everywhere but I'm not sure if it can be used left handed so would there be any lefty's here that use one. I have been able to adapt with everything else but this one tool is driving me absolutely nuts.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Yes the Versa Groover can be used left handed. It is probably your best bet. Call up Luke and Vandy at Sheridan Leather and they can set you up. 307 674 6679

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Hi Cem,

I am ambidextrous, and get a kick out of what amazes some folks seems quite natural to me; I take a screw out with my left hand and put it in with my right. I used to be able to use the Tandy stitch groovers with either hand, but some time in the last 10 years, they have made them so that they are a right handed affair, and I now am the proud owner or one that can't be used with either hand (I am going to have to regrind it). I liked the Tandy ones because they were cheap and I could have a bunch of them set to different lengths for decorative edge grooving. I also have the Versa Groover from Bob Douglas and a Patent Leather Groover from Jeremiah Watt. Both of these work in either direction with either hand. The Jeremiah Watt one works well for about 277 to 415 thread. you can get the Versa Groover with three tips for different size grooves. They were both about the same price, and I paid a little extra for different size tips from Bob. Both are great tools. For freehand groovers, mine work in either hand.


I really need a stitch groover that can be used left handed, I've got the free hand one and the usual tandy one but I'm just not happy with them and I've ruined more leather than I care to think of at moment. I would prefer one with a guide,so far I've looked at the Versa Groover which gets good reviews everywhere but I'm not sure if it can be used left handed so would there be any lefty's here that use one. I have been able to adapt with everything else but this one tool is driving me absolutely nuts.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Hi Ray,

That is a new one on me. I checked and it is a Tandy product and sells for around $20, maybe cheaper with a wholesale account.

Call Springfield, Kevin will probably match that.


Who makes this groover set?


And can it be used left handed?

God Bless, Ray

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I placed my first order with Springfield on Tuesday Art. I've got to get all the hand stitching tools to start. I'll call Kevin Friday.

Thanks brother!

God Bless, Ray

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By The Way Clair, The groover that I posted in post #5 can be used right or left handed according to Tandy's video.

Hope this helps!

God Bless, Ray

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You could try this one


Good luck



Thanks Nick, I'll take a look at it

Yes the Versa Groover can be used left handed. It is probably your best bet. Call up Luke and Vandy at Sheridan Leather and they can set you up. 307 674 6679

Thanks Elton thats good to hear, It's a bit hard for me to call the US because of the time difference so would Sheridan have an email address I've looked but nothing popped up. I see they have a facebook page but I'm not a member there. I see this place http://kingwood-leat...glas_tools.html carries the douglas tools as well, would you know if they are okay to deal with if I can't get hold of Sheridan.

Hi Cem,

I am ambidextrous, and get a kick out of what amazes some folks seems quite natural to me; I take a screw out with my left hand and put it in with my right. I used to be able to use the Tandy stitch groovers with either hand, but some time in the last 10 years, they have made them so that they are a right handed affair, and I now am the proud owner or one that can't be used with either hand (I am going to have to regrind it). I liked the Tandy ones because they were cheap and I could have a bunch of them set to different lengths for decorative edge grooving. I also have the Versa Groover from Bob Douglas and a Patent Leather Groover from Jeremiah Watt. Both of these work in either direction with either hand. The Jeremiah Watt one works well for about 277 to 415 thread. you can get the Versa Groover with three tips for different size grooves. They were both about the same price, and I paid a little extra for different size tips from Bob. Both are great tools. For freehand groovers, mine work in either hand.


Thanks Art, I can do some things with my right hand, like using a computer mouse but anything that requires fine control I need to use my left. I do like the possibility of being able to do different sized grooves, I mostly work with 346 and 415 thread but occasionally do finer stuff so having a tool that can do finer stuff as well would be ideal.

By The Way Clair, The groover that I posted in post #5 can be used right or left handed according to Tandy's video.

Hope this helps!

God Bless, Ray

Thanks Ray, the Australian dollar is doing really well at the moment so I have alot more options available but I've dealt with Springfield quite a bit before and really like their service so I'll take a look at this one as well as I might be able to get it a bit quicker.

Thanks again everyone it has been most helpful



Edited by cem

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