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Thompson 201 Or 301

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I need parts for my little Thompson Mini Walker. Or I'll buy your working model and use mine for parts.

I've got a larger machine now so I think I'm safe from here on. . . . .maybe!

I tried to sew something too thick with it and bent a lever under the hood.


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I know this is late and you probably don't have the Thompson any more. I have a Thompson PW 301 and need a manual. I can't figure how to thread it.

Can you spare a copy of your manual?

Ride Long, Ride Safe



Independence Mo

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Do you still have your Thompson? 

I acquired a PW-201.  It is missing the plate on top (and whatever was on top of the plate), and there are three small holes on top of the machine where something like perhaps a post used to be.  

Are you still looking for a machine?  Is your machine for sale for parts?



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