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Leather And Steel - Bartering Is Good

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I received an email from a fellow that had been perusing the internets looking for a custom holster for his new Kimber Ultra CDP 3" 1911. He stumbled upon my site after a couple of days of looking - gotta do something about that. He asked if in these times of limited cash supply if I would be interested in doing a swap, a custom of my choice for a custom holster and mag carrier. I was all over that!so, we back and forthed a bit sorting out the details and came up with this.

A DSO Holster and DSMC double Mag Carrier in Caiman Croc. This is the choice piece from the hide, called the Medallion. Not easy to work with. I was very pleased with how it turned out which is more than I can say about the pictures, but I had to get it out and this is the best I could do. Once again, I wish I had a real piece to put in the holster and mag carrier.





The blade in the pictures is the one he made for me. Here is a more deserving photo the maker took for me before he sent it -


The maker is Larry Downing. He is semi retired and is not taking many orders, but I think he loves what he does so much and if asked he can't help himself. I just can't say enough about the quality of this knife, the fit and finish and attention to detail. I'm thrilled with the outcome.

I'm also making him an inlaid belt with a rattler he ran over with his tractor, and a hat band with the rattle in exchange for a couple of smaller knives, one with Wooly Mammoth Ivory for the handle material. Can't wait to see that.

The blade is perfectly balanced. It's 9 1/4" long with a 4.5" blade. I was surprised by how light it is.

Now, to find time to make a respectable sheath.

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I'm not a 'legitimate company' like most on here, but I trade leather for other things almost exclusively. Ammo, guns, knives, I really enjoy the barter system!

In any case I think you came up with a winner on both ends that knife sure is a beauty!

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I aint sure who came out better in that deal. Both look super good to me.

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