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Anyone In Orlando Want To Get A New Guy Started?

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Looking for a bit of a mentor in Orlando to get me started. I am brand new no tools no projects, just love the look and idea of working w/ leather. Would like to have a chance to talk to someone whom has been at it a while.



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Calvin,I'm a bit far, but I would suggest you go to the Tandy store in Winter Park and look around, ask questions and see if they know anybody or have classes and workshops.Dave

here's the directions to the store Tandy store

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I just want to extend a "Big" Thank-You to Dave Cole of DCole Knifes & Leather, and his gracious wife Brenda for welcoming me into their home to help get me started on the right foot. Dave's willingness to share his knowledge, and provide a complete stranger several hours of his time was not only refreshing but shows just what kind of a guy Dave really is.

First of all, Dave took the time to help develop a list of beginning tools that are really needed (not what the industry wants to sell you). He also showed me the techniques of how go from an idea to the finished project, i.e. pattern making (and remaking if you're not quite happy w/ your 1st attempt) choosing the material for your project and valuable insight as to why. Finally what I thought would be the most difficult was the art of hand stitching and little secrets that make the final product look so nice.

I can't begin tell you what a wealth of information Dave provided, and how much I appreciate his time, and talent. The price for all of this information, Nada!!! Not one dime, heck they even provided refreshments.

Dave is one of a kind; a talented Knife maker, Leather crafter, and just one hell-of-a nice guy.

Thanks, Dave I truly appreciated your time...


This was my Father's knife that bounced around my drawer for years. Thanks Dave…..


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Edited by Calvin2

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Thanks for the nice comments, and it was a pleasure meeting you too.Linda enjoyed it very much as well.It's fun teaching someone that wants to learn, as like I told I have had several that asked for my help and yet still didn't try to learn this.I would encourage all new leatherworkers( include any craft in here) to seek out pro's and get advice and/or training.It will cut years off the learning curve and many will give up thier time to willing students.But be prepared as some do charge for this, but even if you have to pay it is still worth it.I am just happy that we now have another maker here with a passion that we all have.Dave

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