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Since an unfortunate incident gave me much free time from teaching I have been keeping myself busy with taking care of the kids, job hunting, learning autocad, studying to become an engineer, remodelling a few rooms in the house, studying flamenco guitar and working in leather.

The first is my first leather top hat done without any pattern(I now have the tabndy one but havent used it yet)


Next I realized that I had a piece of leather and my poor daughter did not have a pirating tricorn, how negligent of me.


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Nice hats.

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I want to offer to make tophats and gamblers hats and maybe leather baseball caps with traditional hot rod flames for bikers and hotrodders and make the hat match their cars or bikes(or guitars or whatever) then maybe leather inserts for the backs of denim jackets. This one has a smaller brim than i normally do on a top hat but my wife and my daughter wanted this hat and wanted it that way.


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Thank you Wishful

I almost forgot this one. My daughter is named Athena for the godess of wisdom and defensive warfare. How could she not need a winged helm? This one is not finished it needs more copperwork. i wish I had a better picture of the copperleaf on the wings. I had to copperplate some nickle rivets for the right look. I will be galvanicall etching a couple of copper inserts for it.


Last week I made the leather kepi and another pirate hat


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And this week I am doing a top hat for the Alice Madness Returns game which Athena and I just finished playing.

I will be using the homemade CNC router to make the stamps I use:


I used a hydraulic press on this the other day and got an impression so clean you could see the grain of the wood in it. Any way here are pictures from V-carve for what i plan to put on it. Alice on the front, Cat on one side shrooms on the other and gears on the top.


I plan to do the hat in a mottled antique black fade to dark red for a creepy and organic feel like the game had. I am not sure yet how best to finish the images to their best potentialgears6.jpg

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