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Cleaning And Polishing Chromexcel Leather

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Dear friends

I'm doing some pieces in Chromexcel leather and I'm wondering what is the best way to clean and polish them for delivery. The leather is VERY waxy and someone recommended to leave it in a hot place so that the waxes came out a bit and polish them with some sheep's wool, but I tried that and it leaves the leather somewhat dull.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

kind regards


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bit late on this; but with my chromexcel shoes, I use Venetian Shoe Cream. You can get a 32oz tin from Fore Supply (http://www.foresupplyco.com/productDetail.asp_Q_catID_E_48_A_subCatID_E_63_A_productID_E_703) for pretty cheap. get some on with a cloth, let it sit for a little, buff, and brush with shoe care brush. Pretty happy with the look, but not sure it will work exactly as you want.

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