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Looking for cutting pattern and some advice on the bronc halters you see nowadays. Just the noseband parts and how they're cut and constructed. What leather weight seems to work out best. Any and all help be appreciated. Al


I make quite a few of these and I like to use light weight skirting(10 oz or so) and a 5 oz latigo liner. I will try to send you a pattern this evening along with a mini tutorial.

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Thank you for the help. I'm just wanting to make one for our stud colt, "Jack". Kind of an ironic thing cause he's really pretty gentle and easy to handle. But sometimes when he's feeling his oats he likes to act like a big horse. Wife says it probably help his self esteem if I made him a bronc halter.

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You can email any suggestions and help to smokinp@earthlink.net

Thank You, Al

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Still looking for pattern or suggestions. thanks

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I just repaired a few this weekend. The patterns on these varied. The original maker probably used the same length as the nylon noseband they cut off. That should work. They are probably shorter than my real bronc halter pattern. The widths varied from 3-1/2 to 5" at the widest. They are just a smooth oval pattern to the center, and taper down to 1" to fit throught the loops on the squares. I didn't have to mess with the nosebands, just replace the crown (poll) straps. Some were looped through and fastened with splash rivets (wouldn't be my choice). Most had post back conchos. One had rapid rivets, I redid that one with copper rivets. If I had my druthers, they all would have copper rivets.

I would use some decent weight leather. Elton's suggestion of about 15 oz combined should work just right.

I stopped by and checked the lengths of these nosebands on the way home. They are from 11-13" from fold to fold. The widths are also smaller. I won't tell you how she held the ruler to measure. It seemed pretty wide when show told me them over the phone.

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