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i'm Randy(not like that, you perv)!

i'm guessing i'm going to get a lot of flack about this question, but....

has anyone here ever used Armor All on their finished projects?

if so, what was the finished result?

thanks in advance, and i await your verbal lashings. wave.gif

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Oddly enough the other day when I was cleaning out my car to sell it, I found a bottle and the same thought crossed my mind.

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Oddly enough the other day when I was cleaning out my car to sell it, I found a bottle and the same thought crossed my mind.

i've used it in cars, but running through this forum, i haven't seen any mention of using it. just figured i'd ask. and judging from the number of views and lack of responses, i'd say it's a no no.

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Haha- you cracked me up with your introduction there, Randy.

I haven't heard anything for or against using Armorall on leather either... I guess you could try it on a finished piece of scrap and see how ya like it :-)

Or maybe someone else will chime in on the why or why nots about using it.


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From the msds sheets, it's 30-40% emulsified silicone. I've seen silicone dressing for boots, so give it a shot......on scrap. Then test penetration with water and light oil. Let it sit for a week and flex the piece, see if it's dried out.

ETA: They also make leather-specific products, so the original probably isn't really suitable....but try it anyway. My wife's grandmother uses armor all on linoleum floors, which isn't an intended use. It pretty much eliminates great grand kids from running through the kitchen as it's slicker than goose snot.

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