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Best Way To Hide And Secure End Of Thongs

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me again :taptap:

What is usually the best way to hide and secure the tips of the thongs when finishing a knot or braid?

I am about to finish my first paracord braided headstall and I wonder how to get rid of the rest of the strings in the most elegant way.:cowgirl:



I'm not sure if I like the finishes product, but it is a first trial of how to put all together and a test if I like this type of headstall on my horses.

Thank you for helping me smilie_ga_058.gif

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Be sure you go under 3 or at the very least 2 strings, pull tight and cut it as close as you can. With luck it will loosen just enough to end up under the last string and you won't ever see it again. ;)

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Since the project is in para-cord, hiding ends will not be the easiest to do. With my experience in para-cord at hiding ends, I have found that if I moved the end over the standing part as you have done it leaves a bump there. But I have found if you have the working and standing ends both entering and leaving the knot at the same points that you will have a better hiding of ends by not going up and over the standing end as in the photo. Just letting the ends stay out and the pulling and cutting the ends off gives you a better result in the long run of things. This is just by my own experience with para-cord. There may be others that can tell you even better than I can.


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