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Hi there y'all!

I'm really interested in learning to braid and I'm wondering if there's anyone on here that lives down here in South Texas that would be willing to teach me, at least, some of the basics? I bought a couple of books on braiding but I'm still kind of frozen and unsure how/where to start. I'm a quick study but have always picked things up better visually and would really like to have someone to SHOW me some of the basics and help me figure out what tools I really need to get started.

Braiding is something I've always wanted to learn and now that our 2 boys are old enough that they're learning to ride, I really want to learn so that I can pass the tradition of making their own gear on to them! I've got both of them carving a little leather (you should see all the spongebob stuff, LOL!) but don't have a clue about braiding and our oldest has been asking me.

If you, or someone you know, would be willing to help me out, please let me know! You can email me directly at: brushyhillguide at gmail dot com or you can text me at 512 - 587 - 8651

I don't expect anything for free and will be willing to pay someone for their time and knowledge. I don't mind driving a few hours if I have to but am hoping I can find someone within 100 miles or so. I live about an hour due west of San Antonio. If I have to drive further, I'll have to wait until January because I manage a bowhunting operation and the season starts next weekend and lasts until mid-January.

Thanks so much y'all!


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Hi there y'all!

I'm really interested in learning to braid and I'm wondering if there's anyone on here that lives down here in South Texas that would be willing to teach me, at least, some of the basics? I bought a couple of books on braiding but I'm still kind of frozen and unsure how/where to start. I'm a quick study but have always picked things up better visually and would really like to have someone to SHOW me some of the basics and help me figure out what tools I really need to get started.

Braiding is something I've always wanted to learn and now that our 2 boys are old enough that they're learning to ride, I really want to learn so that I can pass the tradition of making their own gear on to them! I've got both of them carving a little leather (you should see all the spongebob stuff, LOL!) but don't have a clue about braiding and our oldest has been asking me.

If you, or someone you know, would be willing to help me out, please let me know! You can email me directly at: brushyhillguide at gmail dot com or you can text me at 512 - 587 - 8651

I don't expect anything for free and will be willing to pay someone for their time and knowledge. I don't mind driving a few hours if I have to but am hoping I can find someone within 100 miles or so. I live about an hour due west of San Antonio. If I have to drive further, I'll have to wait until January because I manage a bowhunting operation and the season starts next weekend and lasts until mid-January.

Thanks so much y'all!


First and foremost. Welcome Nick.

Could you share with us which books you have?

What kind of material(s) are you interested in braiding with? eg(Raw Hide, Kangaroo Hide)?

There are quite a few on here that live in Texas. But how close to you I don't know.

To start with material you should get some cheap calf skin lace on a spool. This will not hurt your bank account too much and will give you the lace you need to learn with and make lots of awsome mistakes with at an affordable cost to you. You can find such material at your local Tandy store.

Next is books. I don't which one(s) you have. So I will just suggest a few that will be apart of your library till the day you decide not to braid anymore.

  1. Ron Edwards: Round Knots & Advanced Leather work volume 2. Ramskull Press sells it. Just do a google search and it should come straight up for you.
  2. Tom Hall: Introduction to Turks Heads, Western Tack Tips, More Western Tack Tips. Here's a direct link to Ubraidit who sells all 3 of them - Ubraidit.com - Tom Hall
  3. Robert L. Woolery: Braiding Rawhide Horse Tack. - Same folks sell his book also. Small book. But very packed with information. Well worth the price. Here's the direct link. - Ubraidit.com - Robert L Woolery
  4. Bruce Grant: Encyclopedia of Rawhide & Leather Braiding. - Same folks sell his book. Here's the direct link. - Ubraidit.com - Encyclopedia of Rawhide & Leather Braiding

Next should be a leather fid. You'll need this from time to time when learning to tie the knots. This will aide you in the tightening of the knots. Tandy sells a pretty decent one to start with.

I hope that this helps out some what.


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First and foremost. Welcome Nick.

Could you share with us which books you have?

What kind of material(s) are you interested in braiding with? eg(Raw Hide, Kangaroo Hide)?

There are quite a few on here that live in Texas. But how close to you I don't know.

To start with material you should get some cheap calf skin lace on a spool. This will not hurt your bank account too much and will give you the lace you need to learn with and make lots of awsome mistakes with at an affordable cost to you. You can find such material at your local Tandy store.

Next is books. I don't which one(s) you have. So I will just suggest a few that will be apart of your library till the day you decide not to braid anymore.

  1. Ron Edwards: Round Knots & Advanced Leather work volume 2. Ramskull Press sells it. Just do a google search and it should come straight up for you.
  2. Tom Hall: Introduction to Turks Heads, Western Tack Tips, More Western Tack Tips. Here's a direct link to Ubraidit who sells all 3 of them - Ubraidit.com - Tom Hall
  3. Robert L. Woolery: Braiding Rawhide Horse Tack. - Same folks sell his book also. Small book. But very packed with information. Well worth the price. Here's the direct link. - Ubraidit.com - Robert L Woolery
  4. Bruce Grant: Encyclopedia of Rawhide & Leather Braiding. - Same folks sell his book. Here's the direct link. - Ubraidit.com - Encyclopedia of Rawhide & Leather Braiding

Next should be a leather fid. You'll need this from time to time when learning to tie the knots. This will aide you in the tightening of the knots. Tandy sells a pretty decent one to start with.

I hope that this helps out some what.


KnotHead -

Thanks for the reply! I have Grant's encyclopedia and the How to braid cowboy tack. I'll look for the others. I did buy a spool of 3/32 rawhide at Tandy on a whim but I've been waiting (until I get a real idea of what I should get) to buy anything else because I didn't want to blow a bunch of money uselessly. I was hoping for a cheaper material to practice with to learn the knots - thanks for the tip on the calfskin lace!

What I'm really interested in is making reins, headstalls, halters, leads and and hackamores for my family's use, around the ranch and for friends. So, I'm interested in both rawhide and kangaroo lace.

I'm sure that with enough fumbling around, I can figure it out from the book, but I thought that getting together with someone to show me some of the basics, that I could get off to a running start; and that it would help me to understand the stuff in the books. Maybe I'm wrong?


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Howdy Nick,

Welcome to a completely addicting hobby. I can honestly tell you, I lose more sleep thinking about braiding than I do about anything else. I have been braiding for about 6 years now and have done quite a bit with kangaroo, and am starting to use more rawhide. I live in College Station, and would be happy to help you with anything your having trouble with, so if you ever get up this way, let me know. I completely agree with you that learning by watching someone can really help. So, come on down to Aggieland and I'll teach you as much as I can.

Have a good one,


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Welcome. You'll probably hear quite a few ways to learn braiding and buttons on this forum and you might search back on previous posts to get a few answers. My 2 cents worth is to get some parachute cord and a short piece of broomstick handle and practise building different buttons over and over. You can stop at any point and then pick it up again. And with 2 small boys you can learn and teach 4 strand braiding and build piggin strings and go from there. Leather lace works to but I would stay away from Rawhide until you get things figured out. I learned basic buttons with a piece of leather lace, a homemade metal needle, and a Vicks inhaler. I carried these in my pocket and tied the ring button hundreds of times in school.( My grades reflected this hobby). Don't be afraid to ask questions and soon you'll be hooked. Brad

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Thanks so much for the encouragement and the hospitality, y'all!

I've got lots of time working at the ranch where I can mess with braiding. I'm looking forward to it and trying not to get frustrated as I attempt to figure out some of the basics with paracord, LOL! I had some laying around and I already cut off my wife's broom handle - she's short so maybe she won't notice! LOL!

Aggiebraider - I might just take you up on that offer! I have a buddy that lives in CS and it would be nice to see him; and it's not that far to go. Not sure if I can travel until after deer season is over, but I'm going to try. I'm hoping to find someone a little closer that I can reach more easily. I've asked around here and NOBODY (that I can find) knows how to braid and it's a shame because there used to be such a tradition of it in this area where ranching is a mainstay of our economy.


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I am in the Dallas area. A little bit to far, but if you happend to come this way, I can show you the basics so you can get started.


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