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I just placed my first order for solid brass rivets from www.rjleahy.com I'm not a math genius so it was difficult to wrap my brain around the measurements they use. I emailed them and Karen Leahy got right back to me with a "translation" I could understand. I decided on the solid rivets because of the leashes and collars I make for our working dogs. I could never trust the tubular ones and I could only find the solid copper. Well Karen carries stainless steel also. The rivets don't come with burs, but they carry corresponding flat washers that will work just fine as burs. I'm a happy camper.

Another ton of kudos goes out to Rhonda and Tim at Zack White leather. A phone call to them was handled with pure professionalism after I had screwed up an earlier order. I see no reason to not do my shopping with them from now on.

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