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RMB Custom Leather

Blueguns Rental Pilot Program

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I have had several requests for a rental program so I am testing it to see if it would be something I could offer permanently. The Pilot program is a work in progress and I am starting with two guns which are:



If renting is for you please email me at rob@rmbcl.com to get the details.

Edited by RMB Custom Leather

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I received my first rental gun back from a rental customer, below is the feeback that he sent me copy/pasted from my email.

" I recently used Rob's rental service for a blue Ruger LC9. I only needed it for one holster and couldn't justify the full cost of the gun. Rob's rental worked perfectly. He was quick and helpful with my questions, sent me an invoice, and shipped right away. I was able to complete the holster in a few days and ship it back in the package Rob provided for me. (So convenient I hate the post office) All in all I made more off the holster because of the rental program. I may purchase the gun in the future. I would definitely recommended his services for both purchases and rental depending on what works for you.



On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Rob Bennett <rob@rmbcl.com> "

**Here is what I have so far price wise, keep in mind this is a work in progress so some details may change as time goes on.** More guns are now open for rental so contact me if intrested


RMB Custom Leather

Blue Gun Rental Program

1. Pay $50.00 which includes the price of the gun and shipping to you and back to me when you're done with the gun.

2. Please send the gun back in the enclosed envelop and bubble wrap.

3. After you are done with the gun you have a choice to keep the gun for what you have paid or return it in the condition received and you will receive a $30.00 refund which is all but $20.00 that you have paid. The $20.00 is for the rental fee and the shipping costs (to/from) which will equal to around a $28.00 savings compared to buying one from me.

4. The gun must be tracked coming back to me within 2 weeks from when you receive it from me or you keep the gun for what you have paid. You must notify me by email when you drop it in the mail to return it. This will have to be strictly enforced so it will be fair to customers waiting on gun availability.

5. You can extend your rental one time for an additional 2 weeks for a $5.00 fee.

6. I will not be responsible for any lost shipments. If you want to purchase insurance you must let me know so it will be included into your invoice to pay.

7. Contact for quote for multiple guns.

Edited by RMB Custom Leather

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How much are you just selling them for?

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Since I'm bored and saw RMB answer this question in this thread... Blueguns Update I'll pipe up and say $47.98 which includes shipping.

That is correct $47.98 to buy and you're out $20.00 to rent it. Keep in mind out of the $20.00 you're paying the shipping to you and back to me so really the rental fee would be around $10-$12 depending on how it was shipped. I know there are several out there saying why not just buy it like I was but I received several requests to start the program so I thought I would give it a try. I can see how it would be cost effective depending on what ones intentions are in the leather industry.

Edited by RMB Custom Leather

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