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Hey From Vermont

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I did this once today and clicked on the 'help with attaching files' and of course my post went into cyberspace. The reason I'm apologizing is because of my signature. I realized after I actually saw it in print it might be offensive to people from other countries. It's not meant to be in any way and hopefully you support your economy like I'm trying to ours. And happy holidays everyone, whatever you celebrate.

I started working with leather over a year ago. I made leather conchos for tack. I have made some gorgeous conchos, but no one was interested in a $15.00 set of handmade, decorated leather conchos using only the best vintage materials I could find for decorations. I think I was ahead of my time cheers.gif. At least I hope since a friend of mine and I are starting a business. She wanted to build me a website for decorating a tack set for her, and I decided it was time to expand since in over a year I had sold a total of uh, let's see, THREE items. Two to her, she saw my conchos on a website and asked me to make her trail riding IDs. So now we're going to try and sell anything and everything a cowgirl might need or just want. I want to make my own tack soon, but have three tack sets of my P's to decorate first, plus right now working on 4 different projects so I can try and finish them up by Tuesday so I can put them on the famous VT. equine model, Sienna. (My hobby horse) I welcome all critiques except about her, and she doesn't come with any project.

I'm going to put a bridle of mine I decorated months ago because when I lost the first post I had realized I used the tool backwards to make leaves on a vine I carved, and think it's kinda funny. Anyway, I'm really excited to be here, and to soak up all the knowledge you can share, and will TRY to post pics without moving from this page laugh.gif


Bridle I made the leaves backward on:





One of the ID tags I made for my partner


Seeing some of the work on here I feel kinda like a preschooler with doctoral students, but I want to learn everything I can. Cheryl

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I know at least one thing about Rutland, when you need a piece of granite, you won't have to go far. I have three reject gravestones and that's where I got them.


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Welcome to the forum!

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I know at least one thing about Rutland, when you need a piece of granite, you won't have to go far. I have three reject gravestones and that's where I got them.


And you know where I got mine when I finally realized that's why my 3D stamps wouldn't work? My partner in B'more gave me her granite cutting board :-) Cheryl

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Ha, that's life, when you're ready to move up, I think it was The Rutland Granite Co. or something memorable like that. After paying $40 apiece, when I was leaving, I noticed a big hole they bull dozed the scrap into. The guy that sold it to me said he'd sell it by the truck load if I wanted enough.


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