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Any Special New Year's Eve Plans?

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It's just myself, my husband and my son here for New Year's Eve. We've started a traditional New Year's Eve Wii tournament. LOL The winner gets their name added to the leather plaque I made. It's a big production we make a bunch of snacks and finger foods. We each get to pick three games we want to play and then we draw for a 10th one. The person who wins the most amount of games wins if there is a tie we play a sudden death tie breaker. I even got out of the bath last night and caught my husband practicing! LOL


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Well considering that I live about 60 miles from the Strip in Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada, I will be there this NYE. Did the Strip last year, have done house parties in the past, so not sure where I will end up in Las Vegas this year, but I will be there.

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SWS, I'll be laying low with the fam too this year. I'm on call for work so I have to be prepared to work at any time. New years day we're going to have Lobster and Mussels.

Happy New Year to you and everyone else.



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I know this is late. But, i spent a wonderful New Years Celebration with family out of town. We celebrated http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hogmanay. Scottish New Years Celebration. It is celebrated at 4pm in BC, midnight in Scotland. A total of 65 people at my sisters place, fire procession and the works. A good time had by all, lots of scotch and just another reason to wear my Kilt and kit.

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