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Hey everyone, been thinking of buying a sewing machine and been looking at the different brands, thing is what one to get?

I mostly need it for saddlebags,belts,chaps and things of that nature, any input and suggestions would be greatly appreciated than

And all the best to yous all.


Asked many times and answered often. check in the sewing machine section.

Welcome to the never ending dream of a new machine!


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Cobra 3 or 4, or Cowboy 3500 or 4500. The 3/3500 has a 9 inch throat and the 4/4500 has a 16inch throat. I've yet to see anyone post that having the extra room under the arm was a mistake, so you might consider looking at the 16 inch arm from the start. It's better to have the capacity and not need it than to run out of room if you're sewing something larger than you normally do. The two types of machines are fairly identical, and both come from two of our most reputable dealers that both supply exceptional after the sale service. Cobra is on the west coast, Cowboy (sold through Toledo Industrial Sewing) is in Ohio. The Cobra comes with a bit more accessories than the Cowboy, but the Cowboy is at a slightly lower price. Figure out which one is closest to you to keep shipping costs down, and go with that dealer. With either one you won't go wrong.

Both Cobra and Toledo Ind. Sew. have ad banners at the top of the page. When you decide which you want and place the order, please remember to tell them that you saw their ad here.

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