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Ecoflo Dye Get Better Over Time :)

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Hi everybody,

I have a question about ecoflo dye, more precisely about the moment then it can be considered as "having final color".

Background: I dyed Tandy's belt blank with Bison Brown and got gray-dark green color after leather dried.... "Well, thats a strange bisons they have there" I was thinking that time, but didn't worried much as was doing belt for myself and could survive with such the color I got. I put belt into box for souple of days, then finished it with satin shene - it had the same grey-greenish color may be just a bit lighter than initially. Well, I put it aside completely waiting until hardware arrives. Finally I got a buckle and everything I need to assemble belt, took that finished belt off the box it was stored for about 1 week and....

DOH! It turned into pretty solid, good tone of brown!

Do you have an idea what was it? Was it kind of chemical reaction there?

Or the more practical question: If I would make it for customer, how long should I usually wait until judge belt correctly colored (or otherwise - decide if it went completely wrong and start over?)?

Is there kind of way to speedup the process having the final color?

I would very appreciate any of your experience in there.

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Suicide

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Green bison, yes! I saw one the other night standing next to the pink elephant!

Seroiusly, I have noticed an usual tint to the BB, which is why I don't use it much. There are also reports of problems with Java Brown, though I haven't experienced any .

Did you dampen the leather befor you dyed it? This helps absorbtion. Eco-Flo seems to take forever to completely dry. This is probably what happened.

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Green bison, yes! I saw one the other night standing next to the pink elephant!

Sounds like we were on the same page that nigh except elephant lost somethere on the way to me :)

Did you dampen the leather befor you dyed it? This helps absorbtion. Eco-Flo seems to take forever to completely dry. This is probably what happened.

Yep, I dumped it but very slightly as thought as Eco-flo is water based there is no much need for dampening.

And yes, seem you right about ecoflo drying - you need wait faaar longer than with Fiebings to se the final color you'll get...

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