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After I make a pair of spur straps if I dye them they always come out stiff after drying. I have tried oiling them before and after dying and still the same results. I tell the local leather supply shop about the problem and she says that should not happen. Also I should not be using any oil. She sells me Fiebings leather dye.Should I be using the oil dye instead? The leather feels dried out after I dye it. I use about 8 oz. skirting leather. Thank you.

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The feibings pro oil dye is alchol based{no oil} and will have drying affect on the leather. Oiling after dying is going to condition the leather but it will also darken and change the original dye color. Do some test samples on scap leather to find a color you like with combination of oiling and dying.


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The feibings pro oil dye is alchol based{no oil} and will have drying affect on the leather. Oiling after dying is going to condition the leather but it will also darken and change the original dye color. Do some test samples on scap leather to find a color you like with combination of oiling and dying.


Thank you for an answer. I use a dark dye so it would be okay if it got darker. I put a couple of coats of oil on after the dye dry's and it is still stiff as a board. Should I put the oil on as I put the dye on? use a lot more oil?

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