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Posted (edited)

Having read some of the items in the leatherwork history section, I found an article about someone receiving starter sets from his grandmother, that were purchased and used by his grandfather. Indeed a very fortunate person and especially nice that he was considering taking up the craft.

This brought many thoughts to mind as I often wonder what will become of my many items so dearly treasured. Am at stage of life that has me thinking about the crossing over and I now ponder so many things that I never thought would be of concern in my lifetime. Especially, will my beloved be okay and able to carry on, seems to be my greatest fear.My number one "treasure".

As for my craft items and other collections, I find myself wondering if they will find homes that will treat them with high regard, as I do now, and if will they make someone happy and creative in their lifetime. Seems as though these are questions that will never be answered for me as there are no "heirs", in our families and I am the last of the line, so to speak.

It was wonderful to read how much these things were appreciated by the those receiving the items, and enjoyed the comment by one member something like this; me, me, me, or peeing myself when he stumbled into his good fortune. lol. Good chuckle from that one.

Also somewhat difficult to grasp, due to age and passage of time I suppose, but I have attempted to give some of my different collections to an individual or a group that could utilize the items I wanted to give, and no takers. Called several charities providing education for youngsters and all said they would be happy to get the material and would call in couple of days to make arrangements to pick up the items. Lo and behold, none ever returned a call or came for the freebies.

Had I been offered these treasures, or similar items when I was coming up, I would have run to the location and made sure I got there ahead of anyone else. Times have certainly changed, Not like the days of 2 cent candy. lol.

Thanks to all who shared their moments of good fortune. Very heartwarming to learn that some families and other interested folks have the opportunity to receive wonderful treasures to use and enjoy for years to come.

Up late with spasms and as often happens, I find myself drawn to this site, reading about the leathercrafters world and all the great folks that make this such a great place. Between this site and the leatherworkers guild, I feel that anyone interested in the craft could learn everything there is to know. Tons of experienced tutors at both sites.

Edited by Helmut
  • Contributing Member

Helmut, Is there anyone at your guild or through your closest Tandy that knows someone who would appreciate your tools? Sometimes it is knowing someone who knows someone who knows someone that finds the right home for things. I'm sure you would be happier knowing where they were going and knowing they were being used by someone who appreciated them. Keep looking! It will be worth it!

  • Members

Having read some of the items in the leatherwork history section, I found an article about someone receiving starter sets from his grandmother, that were purchased and used by his grandfather. Indeed a very fortunate person and especially nice that he was considering taking up the craft.

This brought many thoughts to mind as I often wonder what will become of my many items so dearly treasured. Am at stage of life that has me thinking about the crossing over and I now ponder so many things that I never thought would be of concern in my lifetime. Especially, will my beloved be okay and able to carry on, seems to be my greatest fear.My number one "treasure".

As for my craft items and other collections, I find myself wondering if they will find homes that will treat them with high regard, as I do now, and if will they make someone happy and creative in their lifetime. Seems as though these are questions that will never be answered for me as there are no "heirs", in our families and I am the last of the line, so to speak.

It was wonderful to read how much these things were appreciated by the those receiving the items, and enjoyed the comment by one member something like this; me, me, me, or peeing myself when he stumbled into his good fortune. lol. Good chuckle from that one.

Also somewhat difficult to grasp, due to age and passage of time I suppose, but I have attempted to give some of my different collections to an individual or a group that could utilize the items I wanted to give, and no takers. Called several charities providing education for youngsters and all said they would be happy to get the material and would call in couple of days to make arrangements to pick up the items. Lo and behold, none ever returned a call or came for the freebies.

Had I been offered these treasures, or similar items when I was coming up, I would have run to the location and made sure I got there ahead of anyone else. Times have certainly changed, Not like the days of 2 cent candy. lol.

Thanks to all who shared their moments of good fortune. Very heartwarming to learn that some families and other interested folks have the opportunity to receive wonderful treasures to use and enjoy for years to come.

Up late with spasms and as often happens, I find myself drawn to this site, reading about the leathercrafters world and all the great folks that make this such a great place. Between this site and the leatherworkers guild, I feel that anyone interested in the craft could learn everything there is to know. Tons of experienced tutors at both sites.

hi helmut,

i understand your frustration as i am also a member of the over the hill gang. it's unfortunate that there is no way to pass on item's that we consider to be specific treasures or equiptment to someone who will actually put them to good use without doing a major inventory and listing each and every item to go to a certain person and paying the outlandish prices for a lawyer to write it down .

i have a new cobra coming and it is sad that when i leave, it will probably be sold to someone for a penny a pound.

possibly someone on the leather working sites has found a solution without giving them away right now as i want to keep what i have right now to keep my mind and hands busy for the time i have left.


if only there was a way to tap the leather experience people have and place it into our heads without having to use books and video's



I have suggestion of how you may disperse your treasures. As you are reading through this site you could select someone you feel to be worthy. Since you will be selecting the person, the offer would not be asked for out of greed, but offered out of grace. You would have a few details to work out but that should not be too difficult.



Hello Denise,

Thank you for the response.

Where I am located seems to be without guilds, or leathercraft stores. Nearest Tandy is @110 miles away and not able to get there. Have to do most everything on the net.

I will continue on and as someone said to me today, "When you are gone youi won't care who gets your goodies", which is true. Still like to think I will find that special person/s who would enjoy as I do. Been searching for years but no luck yet. I could go on and on but this is not the place to get deeply involoved in my issues.

God Bless.

Ray aka Helmut

Helmut, Is there anyone at your guild or through your closest Tandy that knows someone who would appreciate your tools? Sometimes it is knowing someone who knows someone who knows someone that finds the right home for things. I'm sure you would be happier knowing where they were going and knowing they were being used by someone who appreciated them. Keep looking! It will be worth it!


Hello Ron,

Attorneys wont become involved in dealings pertaining to my treasures. No need to go that route. Naturally, wife will have the final say when the day comes but for now I will continue my trek, hoping someday in the not to distanmt future to find that special person or persons.

Small world, it truly is. I just received my new sewing machine and going on as if I will live forever. Never touched such a machine before but already think that it will be a fun experience.

Hope I didn't mislead anyone about time frame. I have a decent amount of items that I will, I hope, be letting go but most of my pyrography and leathercraft items will be the last to go. My intent is to continue my search for that special place to allow the leather shop to be transferred to when I am no longer able to function or have passed and wife will place that I have chosen.

I go on each day, as if I will never quit but now have to face the facts as they seem to present themselves, whether I want it or not. Still having fun and certain that there are many others that are having similar thoughts and may be in worse shape than I so can't dwell on it every minute or I might goe totally bonkers. (Just a bit that way now. lol. )

The statement has been made before, about becoming so old that I should give it up, but then somone pipes up and says, if you don't do what you are doing, what will you do? Not one to sit around idle, even though mobility is a problem. Thank God for leading me to my new crafts and all the great folks I have met. My wish, though doubtful it will materialize, is to be able to attend one of the Wickenburg Extravaganzas. Sounds like it would be great fun.

Oh well, hope I didn't bore you and know you will enjoy that new machine. Keep in touch, if so inclined.

God Bless.

Ray aka Helmut

hi helmut,

i understand your frustration as i am also a member of the over the hill gang. it's unfortunate that there is no way to pass on item's that we consider to be specific treasures or equiptment to someone who will actually put them to good use without doing a major inventory and listing each and every item to go to a certain person and paying the outlandish prices for a lawyer to write it down .

i have a new cobra coming and it is sad that when i leave, it will probably be sold to someone for a penny a pound.

possibly someone on the leather working sites has found a solution without giving them away right now as i want to keep what i have right now to keep my mind and hands busy for the time i have left.


if only there was a way to tap the leather experience people have and place it into our heads without having to use books and video's

Posted (edited)

Hello Aaron,

Thank you for the idea and I will be sure to add this to the list I am compiling.

I, at times, think I make things a bit more complicated than they shoul be.

I have been a tool nut, all of my life and it is almost like a love affair, filled with very strong emotions. I'm the type that goes nuts if someone uses one of my tools improperly. Such as using screwdrivers for prybars or chisels, etc. Sure you get the idea.

That, perhaps, is why I am so concerned as to where my tools will end up one day. Suppose I could be a ghostly subject and wreak havoc on the user of my goodies. lol.

I have, for many years, sought a special person that enjoyed the things I enjoy but must alway remember that we are all different. Had a small business and wanted to find an exceptional employee that performed as he/she was an invested owner/partner but always seemed to fizzle. Came close one time but-----

Thought I could give the operation to that employee and smile as they made it work and had a good life.

Experienced such activity in my early years and thought I could find or connect, in a similar manner today. Not yet but still looking.

Thank you again and God Bless.

Ray aka Helmut


I have suggestion of how you may disperse your treasures. As you are reading through this site you could select someone you feel to be worthy. Since you will be selecting the person, the offer would not be asked for out of greed, but offered out of grace. You would have a few details to work out but that should not be too difficult.


Edited by Helmut

I am a tool guy too. I have more personal tools than almost anyone I know. I enjoy the searching, the locating and then being able to use the tools I have. I like to dig through stuff and find a tool I have not used in 10 years and then being able to do the job. I find comfort in the security of being able to do this myself. I can proudly say that this has been passed from my Grandfather (who has not gone to be with the Lord) to my Father, to me and now the talent and ability has been passed to my son. My father is now elderly and is doing very much what you are talking about. He has lots of tools and has been asking who desires what tools when his time comes. I still have and use some of my Grandfathers tools, and have many that my Father has not handed down to me. Many have gone to my son who is starting his collection. My first toolbox (with tools) was bought from my Grandfather when I was 12 for $200. It was worth a lot more than that, and he did not need the money, but he know it was a good life lesson for me to show responsibility to send him $20 a month that I earned doing odd jobs, I paid it off early.

I wrote this because your post reminded me of my grandfather. He left a lasting impression on my life, very much like you likely will leave a lasting impression on someones life.


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