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Leather Needles For My New 29K 58

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Help Needed, I have a old but sturdy Singer 29k 58 Sewing machine. I have never used it. I have been sewing leather by hand up to now but the lengths of stitch I would like to start sew, would by hand would take me ages. so I have a couple of questions to try and get me started.

What is the heaviest thread people use with this machine, and if sewing a decorative stitch which is visible both sides how to I get the most thread on the bobbin so it dose not run out every foot.

What is the right need for the machine which would be suitable for sewing a very heavy thread and where to get them in the UK If someone who uses heavy thread, could tell me what size thread they use and what needle works best for that thread that would be very helpful. If any body knows Oxley threads I would like to use there metric 8 thread.

are there are singer 29k58 operators out there who have any tips for setting the machine up to sew thick leather 4mm point me in the diection for this help. re getting the right tention etc.

this is all for now. any help from experienced persons would be really really helpful.

Thanks in advanced

Ben Crossley

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