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You Know Its Time To Go Home When............

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I spent about four hours designing and making up some prototype credit card wallets before I got it looking how I though it should look. Then I got out the "good" leather and cut out the bits for my "promotional" piece. Halfway through the glueing process - and I still have no idea how it happened - the pint of rubber glue on the bench tipped over liberally covering, not only my "good" pieces of wallet but the prototypes, tools, anvil, a heap of scrap leather and most of the bench and the window behind. Those of you familar with rubber glue will know that despite it being "water based" when water is applied to it the glue sets almost immediately into a rubbery, sticky mess. I managed to lift the top working cover of my bench and get it outside to hose most of the mess off. By this time my tools, leather and papers were stuck to the bench top in a puddle of rubber. I gave up, muttering under my breath I shut up shop and went home. Next day, after a couple of hours of stacking firewood, I had built up the intestinal fortitude to face the mess and found I had a real clean bench top and a pile of sticky deer skin. An hour or so to clean up and everything was back to "normal"

Now, back to those card wallets...............................

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