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Paint Removal And Restoration

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I recently purchased a Singer 110W125. Sadly some one along the line painted it horribly with spray paint. I don't know if the original paint is underneath I would imagine it is considering that the painter didn't bother to tape off anything or even remove the roller foot.

My question is what kind of paint stripper should I use as to remove the spray paint and not the paint underneath? I'm sure it's tougher paint underneath. I just don't want to throw the wrong stuff on there.

Also I would like to remove the brass tag on the tower and it appears to be riveted on there. Any ideas on how to get it off with out having to cut out the rivets?

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I'm working right now on a 29-4 that had the same fine paint job yours had on it (:

It's going to be very tricky to only remove the spray paint as I can only assume they used shaker can paint for the job? I just striped the whole thing down as i wanted a custom paint job done on it anyway. But you are right the original paint was tougher. Likely do to the fact that the shaker can paint was just sprayed over the original paint without any surface prep done 1st, he'll they likely didn't even clean the machine 1st?That sad the original paint likely was not in the best of shape, thus the prevents owners compel to paint it?

As for how to try and just remove the "new paint" I can't say for sure as I did not go that route my self but here is how I would go about it if I was to try.Note: this will be time consuming and tedious work.1st I'd try a thin layer of paint striper. I applied a heavy amount 3 times and still had some trace amounts of old paint left! After that I'd follow up with lacquer thinner on a rag. That should do the trick.

As for the type of stripper to use, I used this: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=paint+stripper&hl=en&client=safari&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=672&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=6258989088659257914&sa=X&ei=EU2ZT_y1CqTq0gGw7o37CQ&ved=0CD8Q8wIwCA

I have used it before on a few projects and it workers very well, but maybe too well for what your trying to do, but I think you will be ok with just a thin coat? It's thik and jell like so it states in place, I'd wipe it down let it sit for a 1/2 hour then wipe it off, then follow up with the lacquer thinner on a rag.

As for the badges: you can use a small chisel to cut the pins off then use brass or copper tacks to re set them, a dermal tool would also work. Mine were set in with decretive pins and I was on the fence to take them off or not. I left them on and then used a dermal buffer to clean them off, then gold leafed them.



Good cleaning, lot of "new" paint came off.


Striper on and working


What one aplacation of stripper did


What was still left after 3 applications, I went to 80 grit paper at this point.227821ec.jpg


I should have taken more photos of the painting process but I didn't. I'm not done yet still wave some wet sanding and buffing to do to bring out the pearl in the paint, but here is what it looks like so far.




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