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Pinky Stall

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Any ideas on how to make a stall / sleeve to keep my pinky finger from being chafed raw while stitching?

Edited by SandSquid

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Fingerless gloves.



Seriously, great project. Make a normal pair of gloves, then cut off the tips of the fingers right at the first knuckle so you still have your finger tips for fine control. There might be more professional sewing tricks out there, but this works.

Edited by Glendon

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I was thinking more of leather tubes I could slip my pinkies into...

once they start to mold/form to my finger they should stay in place.

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I was thinking more of leather tubes I could slip my pinkies into...

once they start to mold/form to my finger they should stay in place.

After much procrastination I purchased a curved awl and attempted my first circular project.

The stitching is fugly but my pinkies are really digging their new stalls when I'm hand stitching!

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I use a green wood carvers tape, works like a charm :-) (the link is just some random one I found for this purpouse)


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