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I'm in need of some inspiration. I want to make a cross draw holster for my Security Six mostly for fishing or tooling around in the woods where I don't have to worry about someone standing in front of me taking it. I haven't seen many pictures of cross draws on here so how about some inspiration please! :thumbsup:

Thanks in advance,


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Posted (edited)






As you can see this is a using rig, not a safe queen, it has use marks all over it. No, I was not pleased with the sewing on the back but that is how the guy at the saddle shop did it. The belt loop on the Wrangler jeans holds the holster back farther than I care for it to be, and sometimes I skip that belt loop. I have no pattern per se, I just see a holster I like or think of one and I fold some brown paper from a grocery sack around the gun and cut off what I dont like the looks of, then unfold it on my leather properly, and cut it out and go. This is one of the first holsters I made, circa about 1975.

Once you have the pattern made, it doesnt hurt to pencil OUTSIDE on the pattern so you get the rough and grain on the preferred sides. Some old holsters had the smooth hair side in and the grain out,,,,so if you cut it wrong, tell them that you copied it off an old original. :rolleyes2:

Edited by Bountyhunter
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Posted (edited)

Nice work Bountyhunter!

This is one I made for my grandfather back at Christmas time.


And this was my first lined holster. It doesn't look nearly this nice anymore, but it's not quite as bad as Bounthuners is, yet anyways. If I were making another crossdraw I would use the first ones cant with a thumbreak. That is just what I would like to try next.


Edited by Eaglestroker
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Posted (edited)

I have not made any to sell, I make holsters for all my pistols and sheaths for all the knives I make. Few of them get tooled as they go straight out to the field to get used. I just made a holster for a 58 Remington, a Mexican double loop on a Wyoming pattern that got tooled. That bottom one with the big smith is sort of a modified Tom Theepersons design. I am making one of them for my M25-5 that will be lined and tooled.

I just made an everyday carry for my 1911 that is a 1930's Texas Ranger style, Austin pattern. I used a hammer loop on it, which is unusual for a 1911 but it works fine. I'll post them by and by. I make plain, utility holsters, because they all end up looking like the crossdraw up above in short time anyway. Unless you are going to the barbecue, it is sorta counter productive to go to a lot of work to make pretty tooling on them.:innocent:




I do not like the lace in that Mexican double loop. As soon as I can find the correct type of saddle lace, I am going to pull that coarse stuff out and re-do it. Its 60 miles to the saddle shop and grocery store and 200 miles to the nearest city, so my projects have to be based on patience or internet orders.

My holsters take the beating so that my gun iron doesnt. I have some that are far more beat up than the crossdraw up above, but that is their purpose. They keep my gun handy in the truck or on the ATV, and keep it from getting beat up when in the brush and rocks. 30 years of really using them has an effect on them.

Edited by Bountyhunter
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I made these for my uncle last year. Not a holster style I typically offer for sale but will make them on request.

This one for a 2" Colt Lawman




This one is for his S&W 457



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Awesome looking holsters! This is just the inspiration I was looking for. I'm thinking something along the lines of EagleStroker's is what I will end up trying. Until then, keep the pictures coming!!!

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Awesome looking holsters! This is just the inspiration I was looking for. I'm thinking something along the lines of EagleStroker's is what I will end up trying. Until then, keep the pictures coming!!!

Well, here's a pic of a 'matched' pair of holsters I did (matched as well as I could, anyway), Left one for strong side draw, and the right one is for cross draw --- both for replica Single action Army wheelguns. The cross draw was unfinished at the time the pic was taken. Mike


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This one is for his S&W 457



That's awesome. How do you do that dye job. I'm like a monkey with a wool dauber and it'd probably run all over the holster on me. lol

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dotsun: I dyed the whole piece saddle tan and then I did the mahogany. The larger parts I did with a dauber, then used a 3/16" wide artists brush when I got closer to the boarder. Thanks for the compliment!

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Thanks for the inspiration, this is what I came up with. I'm happy with how it turned out and it rides nice.





I make quite a few of these, a modification of my old Model 5 configured for cross-draw. Thumb-break retention, covered trigger guard, rear sight protection. Not the best choice for discreet concealed carry, but works quite well for people who are seated or driving.

I use this style while hunting to carry a Model 29 .44 Magnum, allowing me to sling my rifle over the right shoulder and wear a small backpack without interference.

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Why do you people do this to me? I have a new quiver to make, a pilgrim's bag, motorcycle gear. And now you posting all those great looking holsters have me thinking my S&W revolver needs a new holster.You_Rock_Emoticon.gif

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Hey Peter, I am in the same boat as you with stuff to make. It is rare that I get a minute to make stuff for myself. On a side note I'm a traditional archer as well. Any chance you are going to the Baltimore Bowman Traditional shoot in 2 weeks?

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Here's the only one I ever made. If I were to do it again I'd make a few small changes. That is if I was doing one for a wheelgun vs semi auto.



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