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Homemade Poundoo Board?

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I got some nylon reinforced conveyor belt material which I think would make an outstanding for placing under leather to protect knives and punches when cutting or punching holes, and quiet stamping and reduce vibration, Just wondering what would be the best hard backing material to back it up with??

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I just stick my pondo board on top of my granite slab. (kitchen sink cut out from granite counter top place)

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Hey SandSquid,

I use the same thing in place of poundo board. It works great. As Sylvia said, just put it on top of your slab. Was your chunk new or used? If its used, and from any type of aggregate operation, you might want to hit it with a pressure washer and scouring pad first to make sure there's no bits of sand or anything stuck in the rubber that will dull a punch/chisel/whatever. Another thing that works really great (if you can find it) is the blue/green "urethane" that folks use to line chutes and such in aggregate operations. This seems to be a WHOLE LOT harder to come by though as its apparently considerably more expensive. I think the biggest chunk I've ever got my hands on for free was like 12x8 inches... One last note on the rubber belt. Spray it both sides with some kind of cheap clear coat (I think I used rustoleum rattlecan clear) As the rubber ages sometimes you'll get a little bit of black rub off if its not coated.


Edited by sandycreek

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I use the same thing in place of poundo board. It works great. As Sylvia said, just put it on top of your slab.

So the consensus thus far seems to be NOT to glue it down to a backer.

I'm still working on a proper slab, I foresee a field-trip to the local head-stone/grave-marker to see if they have any broken hunks... or a granite counter-top installer for sink cut-outs or again broken stock.

Just need to wait until payday before I go ;-(

Was your chunk new or used?

It was used in a warehouse application.

And then re-used as a backstop for our competitive air-pistol leagues' pellet traps.

I figured if it'll stop a 25gr .22 pellet traveling at 900FPS with only a slight smudge, it'll hold up to a few years of cutting and pounding.

It has been sprayed white on one side, and is still "raw" on the back side, which will now become the front side.

I've cleaned up (squared) the crooked cuts, scrubbed the down w/ Lestoil and a stiff brush on both sides.

blue/green "urethane" that folks use to line chutes and such in aggregate operations

I'll talk to some of my friends in the construction trades and ask them to BOLO for some.

Spray it both sides with some kind of cheap clear coat <snip> sometimes you'll get a little bit of black rub off if its not coated

Will do, thanks for the tip!

Edited by SandSquid

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