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So I understand this should probably be in "Need help" subforum, lol. I figured its directly related to making a quiver though.

I'm probably too "new" into tooling leather but I really really want to take on this challenge... I have too many questions though. If someone can point me to a certain website or book to help from people wasting breath (typing in this case) that would be great, but from what I researched there isn't much out there.

The idea I'm going for is a real time hunting quiver. I don't shoot traditional but still like using a traditional quiver. I can't quite decide on a back quiver or a side quiver, still thinking what would be best for me... I do know I want 1 or 2 small compartments for things like my phone, baggie of snacks (lol, I get hungry on stand) and other oddball stuff. I also really would like a sewn sheath on the quiver somewhere where I can get to it easy. I also really like the odd furs and skins, so I'm thinking a inlay of rattlesnake skin or rabbit skin (I much rether use the skins from snakes and game I'VE TAKEN, but unfortuantly with just moving I don't have that available) I also like the heavy fur at the top. From what I've seen on here peple make BIG quivers for I'm assuming 3D shoots or just rec. shooting. Like I said I plan on using this for hunting so my goal is, something just big enough for 3-4 arrows, My question is what could I use to "lock" the arrows in place since they will have broadheads attached to them? Also, I see just as much sewing as I do hand stitching, I'd rether hand stitch it but I'm sure theres a lot I can't do without it. At this point I'll have to bring it to a buddy who has a sewing machine. Again, I'm sure I shouldn't take this on so soon but I'm superrr stoked, and if it even comes out a QUARTER of what I'm thinking Ill be happy! lol.

So does anyone have ANY input or leads on some research I can read/learn.... Where to start?

Thanks again and I can't wait to hear some input!

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I would go to some of the Traditional Archery sites and search for quiver pictures. I hunt with a longbow and have used three or so different quivers I have made. To hunt with a Howard Hill type back quiver is probably best for hunting. It will hold a couple dozen arrows but of course for hunting you can put sandwiches and stuff in the extra space. For going through brush you have to learn to pull it under your arm so the arrows don't tangle in the underbrush. A side quiver also works well. Many of us use a tube type quiver that hangs over your shoulder and you pull the arrows out of the side. That is what I currently use. I put foam in the bottom which i used a hot broadhead to burn a nice hole to fit each broadhead in.

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