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Making Seats From Scratch?

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I apologize for my first post being anything but leather related but on my search for a good machine (ended up with a consew 226r-1) I found in-valuable nformation on these forums! I am just curious if you all have found any books, videos ect in regards to making, patterning , upholstering from cutting the foam, to the final stitch books? I already own a few books from don taylor, but none really have one project from start to finish.

What do you consider the best start to finish books? I searched and don Taylor's books seem to be he top hit, but what videos have you seen or bought for training?

I have what I consider a nice machine, but now need to find books, videos, tutorials with fun projects where I can learn the machine, technique ect. I'm shocked the answers are not a sticky post so let's make this a good interesting conversation!

Thank you muchBrandonConsew 226r-1, got for a good deal, now all I need is someone to run it for me :)

Edited by Crazyone

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THanks for the reply there are lots of nice looking things on that search, however i am making more of a bench seats (like you would see in a pontoon, but nicer)

Anyone else



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Where can i get a pattern for one of those seats.

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