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Hey, how's everyone doing today? I found this site and because I am sort of a newbie I decided to join to see what I can learn from all the leather heads out there!! I say sort of a newbie because when I was about 14 my Dad got into leather work and he would let me use his tools, under his supervision, so I made several wallets, key chain fobs, etc. So I don't have a lot of knowledge but I am familiar with some techniques. I think they said I can mention my website here so here goes. I make kydex holsters(I know a bad word around leatherworkers) but I have recently incorporated leather into my holsters for IWB carry and am getting into doing some gun belts. Website is lostriverholsters.com. I live in Arco Idaho and some have asked where the devil is Arco Idaho. Short and simple answer is,"where the deer and the antelope roam"!! I have already enjoyed reading some of the forums questions and answers and am looking forward to learning a lot more.

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Hi Sly.... Syl here. lol

I'm in Caldwell. There are a few of us Idahodians here.

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Hello sly,You'll find good folks and willing to help.I'm up here in the panhandle of Idaho. Enjoy

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You should put your website in your signature. Go under your profile somewhere and find your signature. Then add your site to it. Then you can highlight the site and click on the icon that looks like a chain kinda (above the box next to the smiley face) and enter the adress. this will hyperlink it. Best wishes. JOHN

Hey, how's everyone doing today? I found this site and because I am sort of a newbie I decided to join to see what I can learn from all the leather heads out there!! I say sort of a newbie because when I was about 14 my Dad got into leather work and he would let me use his tools, under his supervision, so I made several wallets, key chain fobs, etc. So I don't have a lot of knowledge but I am familiar with some techniques. I think they said I can mention my website here so here goes. I make kydex holsters(I know a bad word around leatherworkers) but I have recently incorporated leather into my holsters for IWB carry and am getting into doing some gun belts. Website is lostriverholsters.com. I live in Arco Idaho and some have asked where the devil is Arco Idaho. Short and simple answer is,"where the deer and the antelope roam"!! I have already enjoyed reading some of the forums questions and answers and am looking forward to learning a lot more.

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Well I tried putting in the website so lets see if it worked! Hopefully!!

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Yep, it worked :)

I'm another Idahoan in Lewiston.


Wecome aboard Sly. Glad you found us. Steve

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