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George B

Paper Saddlebags Finally Are Leather Saddlebags

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After months of paint, chrome, custom work and more I finally got the bike in my shop to assemble and mount the saddlebags.

Not sure yet I want to do another set again. The brain work almost killed me.

Started out a set of just plain old throw over the luggage rack bags, it then evolved into a project that was way beyond my experience.

I used W&C English bridle leather and Watts stainless steel hardware.

Bags have lift brackets and supports behind and use 2 buckles per side attached to a yoke under the rear seat to hold the bags in place and allow the user to take off and on fairly easily.

Aluminum plate in lid sewn between 2 layers of 5 ounce leather, and a full aluminum back and top side supports. Front and back are 12 ounce.Traditional western saddlebag billows (customer did not want piping). 5 inches wide.post-18937-041555100%201340982696_thumb.jpg Any suggestions, comments and criticism would be greatly appreciated, the money was pretty good and I would like to maybe do more.Thanks, George post-18937-034893800%201340982578_thumb.gif post-18937-050774300%201340982615_thumb.jpg post-18937-069296500%201340982646_thumb.jpg

Edited by George B

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Thank you, my brain still hurts. lol George

They look great! Real nice work.

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